Cat Allergy Asthma Reactions in Humans

Cat allergy asthma reactions in humans can cause many unwanted symptoms. There are ways to curb cat allergies without getting rid of your cat, unless allergies cause severe and uncontrollable asthma. Cat allergy asthma is fairly common, and may be caused from factors such as the potency of cat dander and the fact that cats don't often get a regular bath or shampoo. Cat dander is sticky and remains in the air, on clothes and on furniture long after the cat is no longer present. Cat dander can even be carried through the air into homes where a cat has never lived, and people who are allergic to cat dander have a much higher likelihood of developing asthma symptoms. Cat allergens are produced from a cat's skin, fur, saliva, urine and blood.


Full blown asthma symptoms can be triggered by cat allergies, or develop as a result of them. Asthma is caused by chronic inflammation of the airways in the lungs, leading to constriction from mucus buildup and difficulty breathing. Asthma symptoms can also include wheezing, tightness in the chest and coughing. There is no cure for asthma, but symptoms can be regulated and controlled with appropriate therapies. Asthma can, however, be fatal if not treated.

Avoiding Cat Allergies and Asthma Symptoms

Short of avoiding cats altogether, there are quite a few things you can do to alleviate cat allergy asthma reactions. Male cats that aren't neutered produce large amounts of cat allergen, due to hormone changes. Making sure your male cats are neutered is one step in the right direction. Try to bathe your cats once or twice a week, and if this is not possible, at least wipe the cat with a wet cloth or towel daily. Don't allow the cat into your bedroom, or any room where you sleep. Keep the doors and air vents shut to avoid air travel of allergens. Make use of HEPA filters in your vacuum and keep filters in the air conditioner and heater vents replaced often. Persistent cleaning is also beneficial, including frequent vacuuming, laundering of bedding and curtains, steam cleaning carpets and furniture, and wiping down of all hard surfaces in your home.

Treatment for Cat Allergy Asthma

There are many ways to treat asthma symptoms, including fast-acting medications, long-term therapy, inhalers and natural remedies. Some medications can be applied at the onset of symptoms, some need to be taken every day and some can be administered once every several weeks.

  • Long-term control medications reduce airway inflammation and usually need to be taken once per day. These may be used in conjunction with inhalers.
  • Inhalers are quick-relief treatments, as they are taken when asthma symptoms begin to appear. Inhalers can provide immediate relief, but can cause long-term side effects.
  • Immunotherapy is one of the most common treatments for people with cat allergy asthma. This is a serious of injections given and decreased gradually over a period of time. These shots are aimed at desensitizing the immune system to a particular allergen, such as cat dander.
  • Alternative remedies such as breathing techniques, dietary changes, introduction of nutritional supplements, certain herbs, yoga and acupuncture can greatly reduce the risk of asthma symptoms.
