Treating a Cat With a Bloody Nose

Blood around a cat nose can be a sign of trauma or illness in a cat. You may notice a steady blood drip around your cat's face, but you shouldn't be alarmed. Control the bleeding and make an appointment with your vet.

Bloody Cat Nose First Aid

The first step in treating a bloody nose is to remain calm. Your cat will sense your mood, and if he senses alarm, he too will become alarmed. This will increase his blood pressure, which will increase the amount of blood lost.

Now, try to sedate your animal. Whether you do this with medication or with soothing tones will depend on the animal and what you have around the house. Make sure that he can't move while you treat him.

Clean off as much blood as possible with water and paper towels, and apply pressure to the wound. You may be able to see the cause of the bleeding afterwards. If not, it may be an internal bleed. Apply disinfectant to any visible cuts or scratches in order to prevent infection.

If the bleeding stops, you should be fine. Monitor your cat for any additional symptoms, as this may account for infection or some other problem. If the bleeding doesn't stop after applying pressure, you should visit your vet to determine the cause of the bleeding.

Anti-Inflammatory Medication

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication is not frequently prescribed for cats. However, the cats that have been put on the medication will suffer from inactivated blood clotting factors. Let your vet know during your visit that your cat is on the medication.

Cat Nose Bleeding Due to Ingesting Poison

If your cat has come into contact with rat poison or has recently eaten a dead rat that may have been poisoned, the ingredients may be causing the bleeding. Rat poisoning functions in the same manner as the anti-inflammatory medication in this respect, and will inactivate the blood clotting factors in your pet. If you suspect this is the cause, see your vet right away.

Trauma Leading to Bloody Cat Nose

Trauma causes bloody noses most often in outside cats. If your cat has been hunting or has been in a fight, his bloody nose may be a result of claws or teeth. You should disinfect the nose to prevent infection, and see your vet if you notice any additional symptoms.

Upper Respiratory Irritation

If your cat has recently suffered from an upper respiratory infection, he may have scratched his nose as a response to a runny or raw nose. This would cause agitation that may make your cat's nose bleed.

Foreign Material Lodged in Nasal Cavity

Cats with foreign debris that has lodged in the nasal cavity require vet attention. Your vet will use an otoscope to probe your cat's nose, and will be able to remove foreign objects, like foxgloves or grass.

Nasal Tumors Can Cause Bleeding

Nasal tumors are most common in older cats and may cause bleeding. Notice the shape of your cat's face, as nasal tumors can cause asymmetry and swelling. If you notice a change, visit your vet in order to discuss treatment options.

