Cat Dehydration Treatment with Pedialyte

Cat dehydration is associated with several illnesses, especially in old age, and can be difficult to treat if cats have no desire to drink. Since Pedialyte provides not only water but also electrolytes, which can help your cat recover more quickly.

Symptoms of Dehydration

Dehydrationis usually difficult to detect because there are no obvious symptoms. If your cat suffers from an illness that can lead to dehydration, such as diabetes or kidney illnesses, or if your cat has prolonged periods of vomiting or diarrhea, periodically pull gently on the skin around your cat's neck. If it springs back into place, your cat is not dehydrated. If it stays in a ridge or moves back slowly, your cat is probably dehydrated.

Other symptoms include dry mouth and lethargy. Your cat's gums should always be moist to the touch, not dry and sticky. You can also check by pressing your finger against your cat's gums. If the spot does not quickly return to its original color, your cat is probably dehydrated.

Pedialyte for Dehydration

Severe dehydration usually requires immediate veterinary care to restore lost fluids. If your cat can't keep down any fluids or is refusing food or water, consult your veterinarian. However, mild dehydration can often be treated at home.

When your cat is dehydrated, he lacks several necessary elements, including electrolytes, sodium and potassium in addition to water. While water restores some mineral levels, it often doesn't restore them as quickly as Gatorade or Pedialyte, which have additional electrolytes.

Since Pedialyte is designed for infants and young children, it is a perfectly suitable substitute for your pet as well. In cases of severe dehydration, give your cat a few drops of Pedialyte every 10 minutes for an hour with an eye dropper to ensure that your cat is receiving the nutrients. After an hour, try to entice your cat to eat wet food diluted with water.

Often, adding Pedialyte to the water dish isn't sufficient since cats won't seek out water when they are dehydrated. Be sure to use unflavored Pedialyte since most flavors aren't enticing to cats. You can also add a little tuna or clam juice for enticement if you are hoping your cat will drink on his own.

If your cat refuses the dropper, offer Pedialyte in ice cube form. Even when refusing food and water, cats will sometimes lick ice cubes, which can help restore the nutrient levels if given frequently.

Dehydration Prevention

Pedialyte can also be used to prevent dehydration in the first place, especially if your cat has an illness that makes him more prong to dehydration.

Always provide your cat with fresh water, which will make him much more likely to drink than if the water isn't changed as often. One good alternative is a cat fountain, which continuously replenishes water. Add unflavored Pedialyte to the water to provide your cat with additional nutrients. If your cat seems turned off by the mixture, add a little tuna juice for enticement.

Just as Pedialyte helps replenish fluids in dehydrated infants, it can reduce symptoms of dehydration in your cat. When first introducing it, observe your cat to make sure it doesn't make him nauseous or refuse the water because of taste.

