Cat Eye Infection Treatment

A cat eye infection is not only painful for the feline experiencing it, but also hard for the pet owner to witness. Fortunately for a cat and his owner, there are treatment options available to help clear up most eye infections.

Symptoms of Eye Infection in Cats

Eye discharge is one of the main signs that a cat has an infection. The discharge may be thick and appear pus-like and yellow, green or gray in color. Eye infections can cause itchiness and irritations, so the cat will rub his eyes, which can cause scratches to the eye or cause the infection to spread to the other eye. Other signs of an eye infection include:

  • Squinting
  • Redness of the eye
  • Tearing
  • Cloudiness

Foreign Objects

A foreign object that enters a cat’s eye can cause injury to a cat’s cornea. The object may have had bacteria on it that could cause an eye infection. Also, if a cat rubs his eye as a result of an irritation, bacteria may enter his eye and cause an infection.

Feline Herpesvirus

Feline Herpesvirus, which is contracted from cat to cat, is the most common cause of a cat having conjunctivitis, which is like “pink eye.” Conjunctivitis in a cat can cause dry eye and a variety of problems with the cornea. This type of infection is most often treated with a medicated eye ointment. Eye ointments can also help prevent secondary bacterial infections.


Chlamydia is also a common cause of feline conjunctivitis, second to the Herpesvirus. This is a bacterial infection whose treatment includes a medication called Tetracycline.


Conjunctivitis can also be found in cats with the calicivirus. Treatment for this condition will include antibiotics and possibly medicated eye drops.


Cryptococcosis is a fungal infection of the eye. This infection can cause blindness (sometimes only peripheral), dilated pupils, and inflammation or detachment of the retinas in a cat. Cryptococcosis is treated with oral anti-fungal medications, which may have to be taken over a longer period of time.

Feline Panleukopenia

Feline Panleukopenia is a very dangerous and contagious disease that can be fatal to cats. A cat’s retinas can become infected and develop lesions. No effective treatment option is known for this condition.

Feline Infectious Peritonitis

Feline infectious peritonitis (FIP), caused by the corona virus, affects a cat’s cornea. FIP can cause inflammation inside a cat’s eye, lesions and a detached retina. Pus can also accompany FIP. No cures for this eye infection are known, but the eye can be treated with anti-inflammatory drugs to help improve a cat’s quality of life.

Antibiotic ointments are usually prescribed for viral and bacterial eye infections. Topical antiviral medications are usually prescribed, mostly in cases where the cornea is infected. Oral antibiotics can help shorten the life of the infection, and oral anti-fungal medications will help treat a cat whose eye infection was caused by a fungus. However, the easiest way to treat an eye infection is with prevention: vaccinations, good hygiene and being aware of what occupies your cat’s environment.

