Cat Illness Drooling Symptoms

Drooling may be a normal reaction in cats, at the sight of a tasty meal; certain cat breeds drool more than others due to the structure of their face; however, if the drooling is excessive, this may be a symptom of a cat illness. Drooling in excess may signal dental problems, gum infections, liver disease, poisoning, oral cavity lesions and tumors or rabies.

Dental Problems

An abscessed or fractured tooth may cause the cat to drool in excess. If you notice that your cat is drooling more than usual, you should check his teeth and see if there are any problems. The cat will also display symptom such as bad breath, swollen jaws or lack of appetite.

Gum Infection

A gum infection is a severe problem that may affect other areas of the body as well; the bacteria can enter the blood flow and affect the internal organs of the cat.

The gum infection will manifest through symptoms such as excessive drooling, bad breath, red and swollen gums, bleeding gums, yellow deposits at the base of the teeth (tartar) and bad breath.

Liver Disease

If the cat has a liver dysfunction, this may cause symptoms such as vomiting and nausea, pale gums or jaundice (yellow eye whites).

The nausea may cause excessive drooling.


Feline poisoning may be caused by the ingestion of foods/ plants/ substances that are toxic for the cat. The cat will start drooling, this being among the first signs of poisoning.  The cat may also start vomiting, have diarrhea, seizures and may even faint.

In this case, the cat requires immediate assistance, as the poisoning can be fatal if the poison is not removed in a timely manner.

Mouth Lesions or Injuries

Lesions or mouth injuries may also cause excessive drooling. You should inspect the cat’s mouth and see if you can detect any injuries or stomatitis. You may also detect mouth tumors, which can cause drooling, bleeding gums, halitosis, the refusal to eat or the pawing of the face and mouth area.


If your cat hasn’t received rabies shots, he may be infected with rabies; this can cause drooling in excess. Rabies may be transmitted from other infected cats or wild animals and the condition is serious; if not treated it may cause death.

Ingestion of Foreign Objects

Foreign objects that get stuck in the cat’s throat, teeth or gums may cause drooling. See if you can spot the object and try removing it with a pair of tweezers that have been sterilized.

Drooling may be a sign of an illness; felines that experience nausea or pain can drool uncontrollably. You should check the cat’s mouth and throat and also look for additional symptoms that may point to an illness. These symptoms may include panting, bad breath or pawing the mouth area.

Seek veterinary attention if you suspect poisoning or detect any alarming signs.

