Why a Cat Lump Should Be Tested for Cancer

A cat lump can be distressing to find. There could be a number of causes behind the lump but it's impossible to rule out anything until the lump has been tested for cancer. Feline cancer can be life-threatening so it is important to get the lump checked as soon as possible.

Possible Causes of a Cat Lump

A lump could mean many things. It could be harmless to your cat but it could also be fatal. It is common for older cats to form harmless skin growths. These are either papules, small lumps, or nodules, larger growths. It could also be a lipoma, a benign collection of fat under the skin.

Other causes of cat lumps are more serious and might need medical treatment. These include cysts, abscesses or growths that are the result of an allergic reaction. It is also possible for cats to develop hematomas (blood-filled masses) or benign tumors.

Get Lumps Diagnosed

Although it is more likely to be benign, there is a chance the lump could be cancer. If that's the case, you want to know as soon as possible. Cat cancer can cause death but the earlier it's treated the better you cat's chances of survival will be. Usually, the longer cancerous growths are left untreated, the more aggressive they become. If left alone, it could also spread to other parts of your cat's body making it much harder to treat.

Every breed of cat is susceptible to cancer. If the lump is growing, it is causing your pet any discomfort or if it is bleeding then it's a good idea to get it checked immediately.

The Worst Case Scenario

If the cat lump is cancer then in most cases it will be possible for the vet to treat it. The kind of treatment your cat will be prescribed will depend on the location and severity of the cancer. In most cases, your pet will have an operation to remove the cancer or tumour. This might be followed by either radiotherapy or chemotherapy. When making the decision about what kind of treatment to give your cat, the vet will take your cat's age and any other health conditions into account. As the owner, you will also have to think about what kind of treatments you can afford.

Other Treatments for the Cat Lump

It's likely that the lump won't be cancer. However, some of the other possible causes listed above will still require treatment. Abscesses and some cysts will need to be removed in surgery. Benign tumours might also have to be removed if they are affecting your cat's quality of life. If the lump is the result of an allergic reaction, your vet will work with you to identify what it is that's causing the allergy.

Whatever the lump might be, it is unusual for cats to develop growths so you should ask for a vet's opinion as soon as possible.

