The Top 4 Cat Questions Answered

There are a number of cat questions regarding cat health that can be asked; however, some are more important than others. Cats are very independent creatures, but a cat still needs attention from his owner.

Here are the top 4 cat questions answered:

Cat Question #1: What types of pests should a cat be protected from?

Answer: Ticks, fleas, flies and their larvae (maggots), grubs and lice can wreck havoc on a cat. A cat may be driven to lick and groom himself in an attempt to rid himself of the pest and/or to alleviate pain and itching caused by the pest. This can result in loss of hair or even an infection (bacterial or fungal). Other parasites can cause infections or transmit diseases, such as heartworm. Special attention must be given to ticks since some carry Lyme disease, which is transmitted after 48 hours of being attached to the animal. Lyme disease can occur anywhere in the United States; however, it is more prevalent in areas surrounding the Gulf of Mexico, the Atlantic Ocean and the Mississippi River and its tributaries. The best way to prevent this is to inspect the cat's skin and hair regularly and to use flea/tick collars or topicals.

Cat Question #2: What type of diet should cats be fed?

Answer: Some cat foods are mostly filler and do not provide the full range of nutrients, minerals and vitamins necessary for a well balanced diet. Canned foods provide moisture as well as nutrients; however, some owners mix dry and canned cat foods. Sometimes an owner can feed canned cat food in the morning and then dry cat food in the evening or visa versa. Although cats actually evolved from predators, it is not necessary for them to eat meat but rather a substitute derived from meat, such as lamb, chicken or beef.

Cat Question #3: What type of equipment is necessary to raise a cat?

Answer: Cats are very independent and do not need much maintenance, but there a few items that can help make them happy. A bed or cat tower will give them a sense of security to "hang out", a litter box, bowls for food and fresh water, a scratching post (to save the furniture from harm) and some toys to occupy them and satisfy their inclination to hunt.

Cat Question #4: What type of diseases should a cat be vaccinated for?

Answer: Some cat diseases do not have any vaccinations that will prevent the disease, such as cancer. However, cat leukemia, parvovirus, Lyme disease and heartworm are some of the major diseases that can be prevented with vaccinations or topical ointments. Observing a cat and monitoring his behavior can be an indication that something is wrong. Any swelling, redness, fever, vomiting, diarrhea, change in appetite or thirst, lethargy or depression should be immediately investigated by a veterinarian.

