Cat Sinus Infection

Cat sinus infection is also known as sinusitis. The condition occurs due to a virus or infection that causes internal inflammation in the cat’s nasal cavity. The most common type of sinusitis is caused by respiratory or autoimmune disease. Although sinus infections affect pets of all age groups, younger cats and kittens are more susceptible to sinusitis. Since sinus infections cause discomfort, pet owners should seek vet help if they notice any symptoms.

Symptoms of Cat Sinus Infection:

  • Nasal discharge
  • Sneezing
  • Cough
  • Watery eyes
  • Halitosis
  • Loss of appetite
  • Difficulty breathing

Diagnosis of Cat Sinus Infection

In order to choose the appropriate treatment option the vet will conduct several tests to determine the underlying cause of nasal inflammation or sinusitis. After a thorough physical examination the vet will perform a urine and blood test. X-rays will help detect infection in the chest and nasal cavity. A sample of nasal discharge will also be sent for pathological examination. The vet will perform an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) if required. Since nasal inflammation could occur due to parasite infections, nasal tumors, dental problems and immune disorders, the diagnostic tests vary in individual pets.

Other Diagnostic Tests Include:

  • Complete blood count
  • Heartworm testing
  • Feline leukemia virus test
  • Cytology

Treatment of Cat Sinus Infection

The inflammation in the nasal lining will subside only after the underlying cause is treated.

  • Pets suffering from allergic reactions will be prescribed anti-allergy medication. Pet owners will also have to determine the type of allergen that the cat is sensitive to.
  • Cats suffering from sinusitis caused by parasite infections are prescribed anti-parasite and worming medicines to eliminate all parasites. Common parasite drugs include Revolution and Interceptor. It’s important to read and follow package instructions before administering any medication to cats.
  • Sinusitis caused due to bacterial or viral infections are treated with antibiotic medication. If the pet is unable to consume food or water, IV fluids and oxygen therapy might be necessary.

Antibiotic Medication Includes:

  • Cephalexin
  • Amoxicillin
  • Lincocin
  • Ciprofloxacin

Home Care

Pet owners should avoid the use of over the counter drugs to cure sinusitis or nasal discharge, as it’s important to determine the underlying cause before treating the cat. Pets suffering from sinusitis should be kept in a warm and comfortable environment. The cat should be given nutritious and high quality food. Cats that exhibit unusual symptoms or respond negatively to medicines require prompt medical help. Healthy pets should also be kept away from sick cats in order to prevent disease transmission. Since viral infections are more serious in nature, cats should be given medication on time and the drugs shouldn’t be discontinued even though the cat may appear to be back to normal.

Pets suffering from sinusitis or nasal inflammation due to tumors or polyps require chemotherapy and surgery. Pet owners should talk with their vet about treatment options that will reduce the cat’s discomfort and provide her with a good quality of life.

