Causes of Aggressive Dog Behavior

Aggressive dog behavior is dreaded by any owner. It's unpleasant for the owner and the people around the dog. Dogs may act aggressively for a number of reasons and by detecting these reasons, you may find the right solution to overcome them.


Dogs are instinctively aggressive and unless you provide the necessary obedience training classes, he will keep up his instinctual behavior.

Dogs are pack animals and they use aggressiveness to survive and maintain their status. Even if your dog does not need to be aggressive to survive and get his food, he will still display aggressive behavior. Dog growling is a sign of aggressiveness.

Train your dog as early as possible to avoid any dog behavior problems.

Territorial Aggressiveness

Dogs can be aggressive when someone trespasses in his territory. The dog becomes agitated even when he hears noises in his area.

Neutered dogs will generally become less aggressive and won't display territorial aggressiveness.


Dogs may also be aggressive when they are jealous of other pets or if you get a new pet in your home. Introduce the new pet gradually and keep it in a secluded area for the first few days or a week.

A neutered dog is less likely to become jealous.

Fear in Dogs

Dogs that experience fear may bark and get aggressive. Dog growling is also common in scared dogs.

For instance, if the owner uses violence in training the dog, he may become stressed and show aggressiveness. Dogs may also become aggressive when they meet an intimidating person or pet.

The best way to get rid of this type of aggressiveness is to get rid of what scares the dog, or help the dog get used to that factor.

Medical Conditions

A medical condition can be behind a sudden aggressive behavior. If the dog is in pain, he becomes irritable and even aggressive. Arthritis, urinary tract infection or a leg injury, and numerous other medical conditions may cause pain in your dog.

Take your dog to the vet if you notice a sudden change in his behavior.

Dealing with Dog Aggression

When training your dog, never play tug or other games that involve fighting. This only develops your dog's aggressive side and he will improve his biting and attack skills.

When your dog is aggressive, give him a 5 to 10 minute penalty. Send your dog to a secluded room with no distractions and he will calm down.

Socialize your dog from an early age. Make sure he plays with other dogs and people, so that he does not develop fear of others.

Dog behavior problems and aggressiveness can be solved. It takes some time to figure out the cause of the behavior, and some patience to train your dog. You need to help your dog get used to new situations and even face his fears.

