Causes of Dog Shaking

Dog shaking can be indicative of hypothermia, which is a serious condition with consequences. Other causes of dog shaking include a low blood sugar or shock or pain.

Dog shaking is not normal and you should act immediately to ensure your dog is not at risk.


When a dog is cold, he will suffer from hypothermia. The average temperature for a dog is between 100.5 and 102.5 degrees Fahrenheit. Puppies can easily get hypothermia, as they cannot regulate their body temperature efficiently and when it’s colder, they can start shaking.

Some illnesses may also cause hypothermia and shaking.

If you notice that your pet is shaking, take his temperature; if he is cold, add some blankets and make sure he is warm enough.


If your dog is hot and has a fever, he may be suffering from hyperthermia. This may be caused by infections or a heat stroke. Measure your dog’s temperature and if it’s over 102.5 degrees Fahrenheit, the dog has a fever.

A dog with fever may have chills, so this may cause shaking. Consult your vet to detect the infection and decrease the fever.


A low blood sugar level or hypoglycemia will often cause shaking.

A malnourished cat can suffer from hypoglycemia. The glucose levels can be increased if you feed your dog or in more severe cases with fluid therapy.

Alternatively, you can rub some honey on your dog’s gums, which will increase the glucose levels faster. Don’t give your dog more than 1 tbsp of honey every 6 hours.

If the shaking continues, go to the vet, as hypoglycemia can be a symptom of some more serious diseases.

Stress or Fear

Stress or fear can make your dog shake. If you suspect that your dog is stressed, try to remove the stress factors.

Dogs can fear noises or other animals; shaking is a normal reaction. Reassure your dog and make him feel comfortable to stop him from shaking.


If your dog is in pain, he may be shaking. The pain may be due to different diseases or injuries so monitor your dog and consult a vet if the shaking persists or if you detect other symptoms.


A seizure is manifested through involuntary muscle convulsions and the dog may look like he is shaking.

A seizure may be caused by epilepsy, brain tumors, heat strokes, poisoning, elevated fever, drug overdose or allergies.

Seizures will not last more than 5 minutes, but you need to take your dog to the vet to establish the cause of the seizure.


A dog in shock will shake. A shock can be induced by a disease or a severe trauma such as a traffic accident. If the dog is in shock he will also have pale gums, cold limbs, a fast pulse and overall weakness.

When your dog is shaking, you need to act immediately. You should warm him up, in case he suffers from hypothermia or give him some honey if he has a low blood sugar. In case you don’t know the causes, visit the vet.

