Causes of Feline Anemia

Feline anemia is caused by a lack of red blood cells in cats. Anemia may be a side effect of other health problems, such as feline leukemia, a genetic disorder or a result of a nutritional deficiency. A bite from parasites like ticks, mosquitoes or fleas can cause anemia, which is known as hemobartonellosis, feline infectious anemia and feline hemotropic mycoplasmosis. Feline anemia can affect any breed and age of cat, and can vary in severity of symptoms. The lack of red blood cells and/or hemoglobin that results from feline anemia prevents the transport of oxygen and iron throughout the body, causing pale gums, lethargy and a range of other symptoms.

Symptoms of Feline Anemia

Symptoms of feline anemia can range from mild to severe health problems, and even cause death. Signs that your pet may be suffering from feline anemia include:

  • Pale or yellowed gums and mucous membranes (bottom of eyelids, nose)
  • Weakness and lethargic behavior, which can appear suddenly or slowly
  • Fever
  • Depression
  • Weight loss
  • Fast breathing and/or high heart rate
  • Lack of appetite
  • Eating dirt or litter (in an effort to ingest iron)
  • Kidney failure
  • Tenderness in the body
  • Weakened immune system

Causes of Feline Anemia

Feline anemia can be caused by a number of health conditions. An injury that causes a large loss of blood may result in anemic symptoms. Kidney disease, hyperthyroidism, poor nutrition, lack of folic acid or vitamins, bone marrow disorders, congenital blood disorders, feline leukemia or feline immunodeficiency virus can also cause anemia. Serious health conditions can be an underlying cause of feline anemia, so thorough testing may need to be done by your veterinarian.

Feline hemotropic mycoplasmosis is a type of anemia. A parasitic infection causes this type of anemia, and it's usually spread when your cat is bitten by an insect such as a tick, mosquito or flea. It can be transferred between cats as well. After a month or so, the infection causes symptoms in the cat which can range from mild to severe, sometimes even causing death. Cats that spend time outdoors in spring and summer, when parasites are more plentiful, are more likely to become infected. Existing feline diseases and medical conditions will also make cats more susceptible to the infection.

Treating Anemia in Cats

Because anemia can be caused by multiple underlying health conditions, your veterinarian's treatment options can vary. After conducting blood tests, your vet can determine the cause and best treatment. To treat feline infectious anemia caused by parasites, antibiotics are often prescribed for several weeks. Always follow through with medication schedules, even if symptoms appear to clear up early. Treating and preventing the parasites themselves may also be recommended.

In severe cases of anemia, blood transfusions may be necessary. If the immune system is weakened, immunosuppressants like corticosteroids may be prescribed. By recognizing the symptoms early and acting quickly, anemia can be treated easily. Healthy nutrition and an active lifestyle, with vaccinations and parasite control, can help prevent feline anemia.

