Interpreting Unusually Colored Dog Urine

If you notice unusually colored dog urine, it may signify that something is wrong with your pet. In order to get the most accurate diagnosis, it is advisable that you take your dog to a veterinarian, but that does not mean you should not watch out for warning signs. Seeing the symptoms, if you know what to watch out for, you can generally get a good idea of what is wrong, if not an exact diagnosis. Usually that is enough to catch the problem in time and take the dog in.

Urine Coloration

Unusually colored urine often indicates renal problems in your dog. If you have an uncut male dog, prostate problems may affect him as he begins to get older. If this goes untreated, or if he shows signs of a dog urinary traction infection, he could develop renal problems. If your dog has a urinary tract infection, he may drink an excessive amount of water and have accidents in the home even though he is housebroken. This may be all that it is, or it could be something more serious like the beginnings of a renal infection.

Blood in Urine

If you detect blood in your dog's urine, this too is usually a sign of renal problems, but it could also mean the dog has suffered some kind of internal trauma.

Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes in dogs is usually treatable, but it has to be caught before the disease has time to do permanent damage. Urine, again, is one of the first places you will notice symptoms. Excessive water drinking and urination are two things to watch out for. Although these are symptoms associated with UTI and renal problems, it could also mean diabetes.

Treating a Dog Urinary Tract Infection

Urinary tract infections can be treated with antimicrobial drugs which are similar to antibiotics. Additionally, a change in the dog's diet may play a great role in helping him overcome diabetes and renal disease. A better diet can help his body rebuild the damage to his kidneys and root out the infection. As is often the case, renal problems can be happening to a dog that is showing no symptoms whatsoever. Because it can be hard to pinpoint, keep an eye out for unusual urination patterns, odd colors or the presence of blood, and other symptoms like muscular weakness or halitosis.

Problems with the urine are often the first thing you will notice when something is amiss with your dog. If there is a problem with a dog's digestive system, it will usually manifest in the feces rather than the urine. Both the urine and the feces offer good indicators of a healthy dog or not. You should educate yourself on the possible ailments that could have arisen in your dog in case you should ever detect unusual colors or blood in the urine.

