Proven Deaf Dog Training Program

Deaf dog training requires a good program of useful training techniques, and lots of patience and dedication, but the hard work will result in a rewarding experience.

Use Big, Noticeable Visual Cues

Silent signals like flashing lights or stamping on the ground can get a dog's attention and communicate some commands from a short distance. When using commands it can be helpful to say the words out loud while also using consistent hand signals.

Unlike traditional dog training, deaf dogs cannot recognize praise in an owner's voice so treats or physical signs are a great way to reward good behavior. Clap your hands or give a thumbs up to show approval, and keep treats healthy and low in calories and fat, such as carrots, to avoid obesity problems.

Accustom Your Deaf Dog to Unexpected Touch

Train your pet not to be startled by unexpected touching and movement. Deaf dogs that are not used to being woken up may respond by biting. Start by gently touching your deaf dog on the back or shoulders and when he turns around immediately offer a treat. When sleeping, hold your hand by your dog's nose so he smells your scent, and then slowly pet his back. When he wakes up and sees a familiar face, you dog will become accustomed to sudden interruptions and learn to enjoy unexpected touches rather than feeling startled.

To keep deaf dogs safe, use a leash on walks and during playtime unless the dog is indoors or a fenced-in and familiar place. Extended leashes are a great way to allow your dog some freedom while ensuring he can't stray too far (without being able to hear you).

