Dog Behavior Training Tips

Dog behavior training involves the training of house behavior, bathroom habits, biting, barking and other important behavioral issues. It is important to have your pet trained in behavior to some degree, because dogs that are not trained at all can become out of control and hard to handle. The longer one waits to train his pet, the harder the process will be. 

House Training 

Teaching your young puppy or dog not to use the bathroom indoors involves house training. House training is not as hard as it may seem, because most dogs do not enjoy using the bathroom in their living quarters or soiling themselves. It is important to make your pet aware of his living area and his bathroom area. The dog will eat, sleep and play in his living area. He will relieve himself in his bathroom area. When your pet does relieve himself in his living area, make sure you make him aware that he has done wrong. This teaches your pet to not repeat bad behavior and to learn from past mistakes. Keeping your pet on a regular feeding schedule also helps, especially in the beginning. This will usually mean your pet will eliminate waste at the same time every day. 

Biting Training

Many puppies or dogs get into the habit of biting, whether it be playful or aggressive behavior. It is important for pet owners to teach their pets not to bite excessively, as a dog that bites can become a big problem. Dogs should be taught not to bite before they are four to five months old, because this will be the easiest time to train them. Dogs must be socialized to learn about controlling their biting behaviors. Dogs that play with each other will learn to control their behavior in the process. Animals that are not socialized also tend to be more aggressive, which will almost always lead to biting issues. When your pet does bite, reprimand him immediately to teach him not to repeat bad behavior. 

Barking and Whining Training

When your pet is left alone, he will often whine, bark or howl due to separation anxiety. Many dogs will also bark at anyone or anything that walks by. Barking and whining becomes a habit only when your pet learns that his behavior will get him what he wants. Owners who do not teach their pet the correct behavior will never have a dog that behaves well. To prevent separation anxiety, spend some alone time with your pet before leaving him. This will teach him that the area is safe and will calm him before you leave. Praise your pet for good behavior, like staying quiet for a long period of time. He will soon learn that good behavior will mean rewards and praise from his owner. 

Rewarding Your Pet for Good Behavior

One of the most important parts of properly training your pet is to reward him when he does the right thing. Dogs that are constantly praised when they behave well will learn faster than dogs who are not aware of when they've done a good job. It is also important to teach your pet to refrain from bad behavior and habits. Scold your pet when he urinates on the carpet or chews up your shoes, and he will soon learn to avoid behavior that will get him in trouble.

