Dog Hair Loss Treatment

Dog hair loss can be caused by a lot of different conditions. Some of the reasons for hair loss are normal and considered to be not serious, while others can point to an underlying condition of concern.   

Causes of Hair Loss in Dogs

Parasites like fleas, ticks, lice, and mites can cause hair loss. The itchiness this will also cause severe irritation, redness, scaly skin, and itchiness. Fungal infections like ringworm can also cause irritations that resemble the ones other parasites can cause.    

Food, contact, and inhaled allergies can also hair loss in a dog. A dog can be allergic to pollens, ragweed, dust, molds, medications, chemicals, plants, wool, rubber, ingredients found in dog food, and even metals.  

Hormonal abnormalities can affect hair growth and hair loss. One of the more common conditions that affect a dog's hormones is hypothyroidism. This condition is when a dog's thyroid gland does not produce enough T3 and T4 hormones. As a result, a dog's fur can be patchy, brittle or dry. Cushing's disease, which increases the production of corticosteroids, or diabetes can also lead to hair loss.    

A dog receiving chemotherapy treatments for cancer can also lose his hair as a result of the chemicals put into the dog's body.  

Some dogs have psychological conditions that will cause them to lick, chew, bite or scratch the skin or hair to the point that it falls out. This can be due to anxiety, stress or boredom.     

Dog Hair Loss Treatment

Treating hair loss in a dog is not always a complicated task. When a hormone imbalance is the cause of the alopecia (hair loss)—like in the case of hypothyroidism—a dog may only need to take a daily medication that will supply the hormones missing.     

Ridding a dog of parasites will also remedy the hair loss they cause. A veterinarian may prescribe a specific medication for some parasites or can recommend an aggressive treatment to get rid of insects like fleas, lice or ticks. Keeping a dog free of parasites with vaccinations and good grooming habits can help prevent hair loss pests can cause.   

Avoidance is recommended when it comes to canine allergies. If a dog is allergic to wool, keep him away from it. If a certain food causes irritation to the skin, do not feed the dog that particular ingredient.   

Some supplements can help a dog keep a lustrous coat. Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids and a good source of proteins can help a dog re-grow fallen hair and keep the hair he has.    

A dog that has a psychological disorder that causes him to remove his own hair will need behavior training. Other therapies may include giving him more attention, providing an activity to reduce boredom, or even medications to calm the nerves.     

Hair loss on a dog can be hard for an owner to see on his pet. With the help of a veterinarian, the cause of this abnormality can be found and treated. 
