Dog Hives on Stomach

Dog hives, or urticaria, may be an allergic reaction to a food, materials or inhaled substances. The hives may occur on any area of the dog's body, but will be mainly seen on the stomach. Hives can be treated, but to prevent the recurrence of this condition, the allergen should be identified and eliminated. More complex allergy treatment may also be needed.

Causes of Dog Hives on Stomach

Dog hives on the stomach can be caused by a series of factors such as:

  • Foods the dog is allergic to
  • Non-food items ingested
  • Contact with materials the dog is allergic to (i.e., woolen blankets)
  • Environmental particles inhaled or penetrating the dog's skin
  • Chemicals the dog comes in contact with
  • External parasites or insect bites

Symptoms of Canine Hives

The hives can be identified as bumps or raised areas of skin. The skin can also be red and irritated.

Skin itchiness is a symptom that indicates the dog is allergic to something in his environment. You can clearly detect itchy skin, as the dog will be scratching his stomach and other affected areas, even to the point of causing wounds and bleeding. Your dog will be happy to sit on cold pavement or bath tiles, as the cool objects can bring temporary relief to the itchy skin.

The symptoms will occur typically within 30 minutes after the dog is in contact with the culprit allergen, and the symptoms may persist a few days after or until the dog gets a proper treatment for hives. These symptoms can help you suspect hives, but you should get confirmation from your vet, who will perform a few tests to see if the dog is affected by urticaria and not a different skin condition.

Identifying the Triggers of Dog Hives

Dog hives can be caused by food, soaps, creams, pollens, dust mites or chemicals and smoke, so you need to see when the hives occur. The hives occur within 30 minutes after the exposure to the allergen, so you can guess the cause the allergies with observation. Clinical tests are also available.

Treating Dog Hives on Stomach

Topical creams and ointments containing steroids or natural soothing ingredients (such as aloe vera) can temporarily remove the hives from the dog's stomach. However, should the allergen be present in the dog's environment, the hives will be recurrent. The allergens should be completely removed from the dog's surroundings. If this is not possible, because the allergens can be pollens or dust, the dog will have to get full time allergy treatment. This can be made up of anthistamines (Benadryl), corticosteroids (Prednisone) or allergy shots. The allergy shots are highly recommended but cannot be used if the dog is allergic to food.

For dogs developing hives on the stomach due to food, the diet should be carefully monitored and the dog should only get ingredients he is not allergic to.

