Dog in Pain After Eating

Any time that you see your dog in pain, it's a good idea to take the issue seriously. Dogs do not show signs of pain as readily as humans do and tend to sit with pain until the discomfort is at a very high level. Therefore, if your pet shows pain after eating, it is a sign that there may be something seriously wrong with his system.

Note any other symptoms that appear concurrently and plan to take your pet into the vet for an examination with as much information as you can in order to help make a proper diagnosis. Read on for a few of the potential causes of the symptom of your pet showing signs of being in pain after eating.

Stomach Ulcer

A stomach ulcer is one of the common reasons why a dog may appear to be in pain after eating. Ulcers occur for a number of reasons, but they generally come about as a result of improper balances of stomach acids and other issues in your pet's intestinal tract. An ulcer is a hole in the stomach lining. The acids from your pet's stomach can seep out of the hole and into the rest of his body, causing pain and other discomfort as well.


Gastritis is a condition in which your dog's stomach lining becomes inflamed. There are different causes of this condition, but the result is oftentimes that your pet shows signs of pain in general that may seem to heighten or intensify immediately after eating. Dogs with gastritis oftentimes are prone to vomiting after eating as well.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (or IBS) in dogs is similar to the same condition in humans. it causes a feeling of bloating and fullness after eating that many people and dogs alike experience as pain. It also oftentimes leads to inconsistent stool, so dogs with IBS may seem to have excessive flatulence and frequent bouts of diarrhea as well.

Stomach Cancer

Cancers of the stomach and other parts of the digestive and intestinal tract are a more serious potential cause of canine pain. They also may be heightened and more sensitive immediately after your pet eats, but in the case of cancerous growths in the stomach or surrounding body parts, it's likely that your pet will be in distinct pain all of the time. He may have difficulty eating, frequent vomiting and diarrhea, blood in the stool, noticeable distension of the abdomen and other signs as well.

If your pet seems to be in pain after he eats, watch him for whether he vomits later on. If he has eaten something that disagrees with him, he may appear to be uncomfortable until he passes the item through stool or by vomiting it out. If it is an acute issue, he'll likely seem to be much relieved after. If his pain continues or repeats, however, it's a good idea to take him to the vet.

