Controlling Dog Inflammation Symptoms With Steroids

Steroids can provide quick and effective relief to several types of dog inflammation. They are prescribed by a vet, who will decide on the dosage and how long your dog has to take the steroids for.

Kinds of Dog Inflammation that Steroids Can Help

Steroids can help your dog with the following symptoms:

  • Allergic Reactions
  • Arthritis
  • Immune diseases
  • Inflammation in the stomach, brain and spine

Side Effects of Steroids for Dogs

Out of all medicines, steroids are the ones most likely to make your dog sick. Although there are potential side effects, in some cases steroids are the only effective form of treatment. Possible side effects include:

  • Increase in appetite (and weight gain)
  • Increase in urination
  • Panting
  • Mood swings

How Long to Use Steroids to Fix Dog Inflammation

Ultimately this is something for your vet to decide. Most steroid doses are short-term but in some cases it might be necessary for your dog to undergo a longer course of treatment.

Giving your dog steroids for inflammation has its risks. However, steroids are a good way of quickly relieving symptoms and giving the vet a chance to work out what's causing the dog's allergy.

