Dog Kidney Infection Symptoms

A dog kidney infection will cause the kidney to cease functioning properly. When the kidneys don't function properly, a dog's health is severely at risk. Kidney infections should not be treated lightly, and early identification of a problem is always beneficial in successfully treating it. There are a number of symptoms to look out for.

What Is the Function of the Kidney?

The kidney's job is to eliminate wastes and toxins from the blood. The wastes and toxins are removed through urination. If the kidneys are not functioning properly, these wastes will build up and beginning damaging the body.The kidney is a vital organ. It maintains the balance of chemicals in the blood.

How An Infection Harms the Body

In the case of a kidney infection, harmful bacteria are invading the kidney. The bacteria are using the kidney for energy and supplies to grow and multiply. The bacteria will continue to grow and multiply until stopped. The larger the colony of bacteria becomes, the more serious the infection becomes. If the infection is left untreated, it can lead to kidney failure.

Symptoms of Kidney Infection

Since the severity of the infection depends on how long the bacteria has occupied a dog, and how much it has grown, a dog may not show symptoms immediately. The kidney can also sustain some amount of damage before becoming unable to sustain the health of the blood. Also, some dogs are skilled at tolerating and hiding pain. The symptoms are:

  • squatting several times, but not urinating
  • change in behavior, seeming restless or depressed
  • loss of interest in food
  • weight loss
  • blood in urine
  • fever
  • vomiting
  • increase in thirst, and therefore urinating
  • pain located in the area of the kidneys (the kidneys are located approximately halfway down a dog's spine, near the liver and stomach)

Along with these symptoms, the urine may have a bad, unusual smell. This is because the byproduct of the bacteria and the immune system's attempts to combat it has a terrible smell. This is true for most infections.

The increase in thirst is because the body washes out the bacteria and all the byproducts of the infection through the urine, and water is necessary. In fact, encouraging your pet to stay hydrated will aid in the healing process.

The loss of weight is because without the proper functioning of the kidney, the body is unable to adequately process food. If food can't be consumed without a buildup of toxins and wastes, it's only natural that the body will slow down or stop its consumption.

Fevers are the result of the immune system attempting to kill the cause of the infection.

The changes in behavior are because the body is experiencing pain, and again is unable to function properly.

If the infection is left untreated, and develops into kidney failure, other symptoms can show up as well:

  • diarrhea
  • very bad breath
  • ulcers in the mouth (less frequent symptom)

These symptoms will be accompanied by the symptoms associated with the infection.

