Why Does a Dog Nap Throughout the Day?

It's very normal, and even expected, for a dog to frequently nap throughout the day. If he is not eating, being walked, chasing things around, being-on-guard or simply watching you, he's probably napping.

A Dog's Normal Life Cycle

If a dog isn't actively engaged in some activity, which can either result in an interest in certain objects or just naturally moving due to being energetic, he'll just lie down (as a lack of stimulation prevents him from moving around). This is the regular activity-rest cycle of a dog's day to day life; dogs nap because it's what comes naturally.

Make Your Dog's Naps More Productive

Napping is healthy and normal, and it serves a purpose, of course. The body rests, and as a result it optimizes the immune system and functioning of the organs. That being said, it's a good idea to help your dog nap as comfortably as he can. It's nice if a dog has a bad to nap on-that way he has his own comfortable space and gets used to a familiar smell and even the texture of the material fabric.

