Handling a Dog With Red Eyes

A dog with red eyes requires special attention and immediate treatment, as your pet might have an infection. The most common eye infections in dogs are: conjunctivitis, keratitis, uveitis and cherry eye. Allergies may also cause red eyes.

Red eyes in dogs are often swollen and itchy.

Handling Dog Conjunctivitis

Conjunctivitis is a very frequent condition in pets. The eyes are swollen and red. The condition is caused by viruses or bacteria. Ticks may also cause conjunctivitis, keratitis or uveitis. Eye drops containing cortisone or antibacterial substances will usually heal the conjunctivitis. Keeping the eyes clean will result in a successful treatment.

Keratitis Treatment

Keratitis can also cause red eyes in dogs. It will cause the appearance of superficial blood vessels on the eye and the eyes look red. This condition occurs when there is not enough moisture in the eye area. Proper treatment means tear-stimulant substances and anti-inflammatory eye drops. Keratitis may cause eye ulcers, and these need surgery unless the ulcer is superficial.

Cherry Eye

The cherry eye condition is more frequent in puppies. The eyes are irritated and swollen. The only treatment for the cherry eye is surgery-which will replace the gland. As a rule, if one eye is infected, the other one is prone to the same infections.

Uveitis Dog Eye Treatment

Uveitis may be caused by parasites in the dogs-the most frequent being the toxoplasmosis. The uveitis is the inflammation of the uveal tract and your dog will have red eyes, sensitivity to light, small pupils and watery eyes. The treatment consists of identifying and treating the possible parasites that cause the condition and eye drops that contain steroids.

Other Causes of Red Eyes

The eyes may look red when there is blood in the anterior eye chamber. The bleeding may be caused by accidents or trauma and the accumulated blood will need surgical removal.

The eyes can be inflamed as a result of allergies to pollen, soaps or shampoos. Identify the allergens and the treatment will also involve anti-inflammatory drugs or anti-histamines.

Excessive exposure to sun may also cause redness of the eyes.

A dog with red eyes must be taken to a vet to establish the cause of the redness. Immediate intervention is necessary, because severe conditions may result in blindness or losing an eye. However, in most cases the dog only needs some eye drops. The eye drops must be carefully administrated and repeated several times a day, to ensure that the treatment is efficient. Your dog may be uncooperative when you try giving him eye drops. Reassure your dog and gain his trust, so as to be able to administrate the eye drops. Offer treats after completing the tasks, so that the dog doesn't perceive the treatment as a form of punishment.

