Dog Stomach Noises

The dog stomach is an essential organ in the dog’s system, where food is deposited and digested. The stomach may often make different noises such as gurgling sounds. These are most often normal, but due to the fact that these noises are loud, dog owners may be alarmed when hearing them. In some cases, the dog stomach noises can indicate indigestion. A vet should be consulted if there are additional symptoms and the dog is constipated for over 24 hours.


Usually the stomach noises are caused by the normal digestion process. The food moves through the intestines and this can result in different noises. This is not a cause for worry. The noises may not be always audible, depending on what and how the dog eats.

There may be louder stomach noises when the dog drinks water on an empty stomach and the noises are due to the water passing through the intestines.


Dog stomach loud noises may also signal indigestion. However, the dog should also display other symptoms, such as:

  • constipation
  • vomiting
  • lack of appetite

The indigestion can be caused by a sudden change in the dog’s diet, the ingestion of garbage or animal feces, the ingestion of foreign objects or other materials.

In this case, a supplementation of fibers is recommended or even a day of fasting.

Indigestion is not a serious problem. However, in some cases, the ingested object can cause an intestinal occlusion and this can cause complications. If this is the case, a vet should be consulted and the ingested items should be removed. Sometimes, surgery will be needed.

Ingestion of Air

The ingestion of air can also lead to loud stomach noises. This can happen when the dog eats too quickly. The noises can be unusual and louder than when the dog normally digests food. In addition, the dog may burp or experience flatulence.

Your dog should be trained to eat calmly. During meal times, remove all possible stimulants that can draw the dog’s attention making him eat faster.

How to Handle Stomach Noises

Most often, stomach noises won’t be because of a serious health condition. When hearing these you should pay attention to your dog and see if he displays other symptoms, such as:

  • vomiting
  • diarrhea
  • constipation
  • mucus and blood in the feces

If these occur, visit the vet. You may bring a sample of feces, which can help identify the problem.

If no additional symptoms are present, you need to allow your pet to fast, if he wants to. You may also switch to a bland diet. Prepare some rice and lean meat (beef or chicken).

Don’t force your pet to eat, as the fasting can relieve discomfort. However, if your pet refuses to eat for several days, you should call the vet.

Meanwhile, you can apply a gently massage to the dog’s stomach, which will stimulate digestion and soothe the pet.

