Dog Urinary Infection Treatment with Penicillin

Dog urinary infection is more common in female dogs in comparison to male pets. Bacterial infections or urinary stones can lead to infection in the pet's urinary tract and cause pain and discomfort. Most infections develop in the urethra and the symptoms of infection are easily noticeable. It's important to seek medical help as soon as the dog exhibits any symptoms as prolonged urinary infection can lead to urethral blockage which is a life threatening condition. Urethral blockage is more common in male dogs due to their narrow urethra.

Symptoms of Urinary Infection in Dogs

  • Urinating in places around the house
  • Painful urination
  • Frequent urination
  • Excessive thirst
  • Frequently urinating small amounts of urine or absence of urine
  • Foul smelling urine

Diagnosis and Treatment for Dog Urinary Infections

In order to determine if the dog is suffering from urinary infection the vet will carefully evaluate the pet's medical history and clinical symptoms exhibited. The vet will then perform a urine analysis and urine culture test to detect the presence of bacterial contamination. The urine sample used to perform a urine culture test has to be pure and the vet will use a catheter to extract urine directly from the body. Additional tests include x-ray and ultrasounds to detect kidney stones or internal inflammation. Most pets suffering from bacterial infections are treated with antibiotic medication. The duration of medication and potency of the drugs are prescribed according to the severity of infection. Penicillin is a commonly used antibiotic medication to treat urinary infection in dogs. Other drugs include cephalexin and amoxicillin.

Penicillin for Dogs

Penicillin effectively kills bacteria and treats internal infections. The medication is dosed according to the dog's weight and age. Although penicillin is available in injection form to treat severely ill pets, oral medication is used to treat canine urinary infection. Most pets respond positively to the course of medication. However, penicillin may not be able to work effectively towards strains of bacteria, resistant to the drug. Dogs may also develop certain side effects that include gastrointestinal disorders.


This is a penicillin antibiotic that's commonly used to treat susceptible strains of bacteria. Apart from treatment for urinary infections, amoxicillin also cures respiratory illnesses and skin infections. Penicillin type drugs shouldn't be administered along with drugs such as allopurinol or probenecid. Over the counter drugs and certain herbal remedies may also cause drug interactions. The medication should be administered in accordance with vet instructions and pets that develop shortness of breath, facial swelling or hives should be given prompt medical help.

Tips to Prevent Canine Urinary Infection

Although certain medications are similarly formulated for human use, it's important to use only drugs labeled for use in dogs. Pet owners should understand the primary cause of urinary infection and take measures to prevent re-infection. Food and water bowls should be kept clean and pets susceptible to kidney stones should be fed appropriate diets. Since good nutrition is the foundation of optimal health, dogs should be fed good quality diets suited to their age and breed.

Antibiotic medications provide prompt relief from the symptoms of urinary infections. The dosage may also be altered after the dog's initial response to treatment.

