Dog Yeast Infection Treatment with Diflucan (Fluconazole)

Dog yeast infection treatment should be used when your dog has a yeast infection. A yeast infection is a condition that may affect any area of the body, and causes itchiness, redness, and skin irritation. The condition can be extremely painful, irritating, and uncomfortable for your pet, as well as smelly and bothersome for pet owners. A yeast infection in your dog may be treated with a medication known as Diflucan. To learn more about treating yeast infections in dogs with Diflucan (Fluconzole), read on.

Yeast Infections in Dogs

Yeast infections are fungal conditions that result when too much yeast has grown on the dog's body. The condition will likely cause extreme itchiness, redness, irritation, and inflammation in the affected area. An odor is sometimes present as well, and can be quite strong. The skin of the affected area may become rough, thick, or tough. Constant scratching and itching of the affected areas can cause bleeding, rashes, and other skin problems in your pet.

The causes of yeast infections are normally due to taking too many antibiotics, stress, compromised immunity, or a bad diet. Vaccinations have also been known to cause yeast infections in dogs.

Treating Yeast Infections with Diflucan

After your pet has been diagnosed by a veterinarian with a yeast infection, he may be prescribed the medication known as Diflucan. Diflucan is used in the treatment of yeast infections and other fungal conditions such as ringworm. It is given in tablet form and the dosage will be specified by your veterinarian.

Diflucan impairs the growth of organisms that contribute to the yeast infection. It does this by destroying the enzymes that are inside the cellular walls of the organism. Yeast infections are often hard to destroy, and because of this, the treatment may take several weeks to complete. The time it takes your dog to combat a yeast infection will most likely depend on how severe the condition is. In addition, your dog will need to be given the entire course of the Diflucan to ensure he does not relapse in the treatment or build up a resistance to the Diflucan.

Potential Side Effects of Diflucan

Like most medications, there are some potential side effects when using Diflucan to treat a yeast infection. The most common side effects include loss of appetite, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, lethargy, and lack of energy. While extremely uncommon, serious side effects of Diflucan may include jaundice, anemia, rashes, or skin problems. Pregnant or nursing dogs, or dogs that have kidney or liver conditions should never be given Diflucan.

There is the rare possibility of an allergic reaction in dogs taking Diflucan. Symptoms of an allergic reaction may include:

  • scratching
  • facial swelling
  • hives
  • diarrhea
  • pale gums
  • low body temperature
  • shock

If you notice any of these signs of an allergic reaction, contact a veterinarian as soon as possible.

