Is a Dry Dog Nose Cause for Concern?

A dog nose that is dry can be cause for concern if it is a symptom of a dog nose infection. Though you don't have to always have a cold dog nose to have a healthy animal, knowing what to look for can help you determine whether medical treatment is needed for the canine's dry nose.

Causes Of A Canine Dry Nose

  • Allergies are a predominant cause of dry noses in dogs and usually the allergy is to plastics. Limiting the exposure by using stainless steel food and water bowls can reduce the symptoms.
  • Sunburn can also cause your dog's nose to be dry and is best treated with aloe. Prevent future problems by using sunscreen.
  • Injuries may cause a dry nose, especially if there are scabs or sores on the animal's nose. If there appears to be discharge or infection, your dog will need medical treatment.
  • Pemphigus foliaceus is an autoimmune skin disease that typically manifests itself through blisters on the nose and feet. The blisters burst and cause a crust over the nose making it difficult to breathe.
  • Treatment is often in the form of immunosuppressive drugs to get this disease under control then antibiotics or steroids to keep it under control.
  • Regardless of the cause, monitoring changes in your dog's nose will help you determine whether anything is abnormal and if medical treatment may be necessary.
