Early Symptoms of Diabetes Onset in Dogs

Recognizing the symptoms of diabetes in dogs can help to save your pet's life. Diabetes is increasingly common in dogs, as more and more dogs develop problems with obesity as a result of being overfed throughout their lives. When it comes to diabetes, the earlier on that you can diagnose the issue, the better it will be for your pet's overall health. Know the following early symptoms of diabetes so that you can recognize the disease early on and get your pet to the vet for the proper health treatment that he requires.

Weakness and Lethargy

Dogs with diabetes will very early on develop a tendency to be sluggish and slow. This may be especially noticeable if your pet that was otherwise active and playful suddenly refuses to run around and be active. Look for resistance to going for walks or ride in a car as well as hesitation and slowness when called to a meal. If your dog is wholly unresponsive, take your pet to a veterinary center for emergency examination and treatment as quickly as possible.

Increased Urination and Water Intake

Dogs that have diabetes will tend to drink a great deal more water. This is a result of the overproduction of glucose in your pet's system. When your dog doesn't have the proper hormone mechanisms to process this glucose, his body naturally becomes thirsty as a way of helping to deal with the excess. When your pet drinks more, his tendency to urinate increases and the frequency with which he urinates increases as well. Watch out for a consistently empty water bowl and pay attention if your dog seems to be begging for water or to go outside to urinate more often than usual.

Weight Loss

Dogs with diabetes may seem to have a sudden drop in weight. This may be confusing to pet owners, as these dogs will oftentimes not have an accompanying drop in total food intake. If you suspect that your dog may have diabetes, weigh him regularly to monitor his weight, and pay careful attention to his food intake as well.

Weight Gain

Frustratingly, diabetes can also occasionally lead to massive weight gain in dogs. The reasons why diabetes can contribute to sudden changes of weight in either direction are not entirely known. However, if you're monitoring your pet's weight closely, you should have no problem noticing whether it moves up or down, regardless of the direction.

Aside from thse major symptoms, diabetes will generally not show any other signs as it first develops. This is one of the reasons why vets consider diabetes to be a silent killer; it oftentimes strikes without much warning and can be difficult to pinpoint. A close relationship with your dog will help you do detect when any of these issues develops, however, which will in turn help you to figure out whether your pet has diabetes as early on as possible so that you can begin to treat him with the help of your vet.

