Easing Digestion With Vetasyl for Cats

Vetasyl is a natural dietary supplement for cats. It contains fiber which helps bring relief from constipation. It's best to treat constipation in time, before it becomes more severe and requires prompt medical intervention. Cats exhibit a few symptoms that indicate constipation.

Symptoms of Cat Digestive Problems Include:

  • Cat frequently visits the litter box
  • Lethargy
  • Lack of grooming
  • Difficulty passing a stool
  • Whining or crying in the litter box
  • Loss of appetite
  • Nausea

Cat fiber supplementation is effective as it not only relieves constipation, but also reduces glucose absorption from the intestinal tract. This is especially useful for diabetic cats, as the blood glucose fluctuations are reduced.

Vetasyl contains Psyllium seed husks (500 mg) and Barley Malt extract powder. The capsules don't contain artificial flavors or preservatives and are available as over the counter (OTC) products.

How is Vetasyl Administered?

  • Cats less than 8 lbs. can be given half a capsule a day
  • Cats more than 8 lbs. should be given 1 capsule a day

Vetasyl capsules work effectively and are easy to administer. The capsules are sprinkled over the food and most cats don't avoid their meal. It's important to give your pet lots of fresh water to help facilitate easy bowel movement.

There are 3 stages of constipation in cats and the vet will diagnose the stage your cat is suffering from based on her symptoms.

Stages of Constipation are:

  • Constipation: Occurs only occasionally
  • Obstipation: Partial blockage
  • Megacolon: Complete blockage

Fiber increases water and bulk in the intestines. It's equally good for diarrhea and constipation, as it absorbs extra water content in diarrhea stools and holds water to prevent constipation. The strength of fiber is determined by its ability to ferment. Moderately fermentable fiber is ideal for cat diets, as it doesn't cause gas.

Cats are known to indulge in excessive cleaning or grooming. During this process, they may ingest a lot of hair that forms hairballs. Cats cough up hairballs in an attempt to clear them from their intestinal tract. Vetasyl facilitates easy digestion and helps to eliminate hairballs in cat feces.

It's important to notice if your cat strains or cries in the litter box as it's best to promptly treat her for constipation. If the treatment for constipation doesn't provide any relief, seek medical help, as it might be a urinary tract infection that causes painful urination.

Read label instructions carefully before you treat your pet. If you aren't sure about the dosage or treatment ideal for your cat, it's best to discuss it with your vet. Contact the poison care center immediately if you suspect an overdose.

