Signs of Eclampsia in Feline Pregnancy

Eclampsia represents a health condition that may occur during feline pregnancy. Since it is often fatal, knowing the signs that characterize this disease is very important. The symptoms fall into two categories:

  1. Behavioral symptoms
  2. Physical symptoms

This disease is more frequent during the last stages of pregnancy and features distinct symptoms throughout its development. It appears when the calcium in the blood stream is below normal levels. An effective way to prevent this condition is to give your cat calcium supplements, especially if this mineral lacked from the previous diet.

Behavioral Symptoms of Eclampsia

If your cat suffers from eclampsia, certain changes may be observed in his behavior. Such behavioral symptoms include:

  • Restlessness
  • Anxiety
  • Panting
  • Pacing
  • Irritability

Physical Symptoms of Eclampsia

Besides an abnormal comportment, your cat will also display physical symptoms that indicate the presence of eclampsia. Some of these symptoms are:

  • Loss of coordination
  • Difficulties while walking
  • Drooling
  • Pale mucous membranes

In addition, your cat may feel pain while walking. The symptoms tend to become more serious during the final stages of the disease. Muscle spasms and seizures are common signs at this point. Since the temperature may get as high as 106 degrees Fahrenheit, the pH level of the blood will get increased and the serum calcium continues to drop.

Treating Cat Eclampsia

Cat eclampsia needs to be reported to a veterinarian as soon as the above pregnant cat symptoms are discovered. The condition represents an emergency and can be fatal when the temperature and the blood pH level increase. At this moment, treatment must be administered within 12 hours.

One of the first measures that need to be taken is to administer calcium gluconate intravenously. Besides that, the treatment may also include phosphorous and vitamin D. The latter allows the body of your cat to assimilate calcium better.

Mineral deficiencies are very important, especially if the minerals in discussion are calcium and phosphorous. Make sure that your cat does not lack these while kittening. By giving him or her supplements, you avoid such complications as:

  • Blood clotting
  • Abnormal heart rates
  • Unusual nerve impulse transmission
  • Heavy metal poisoning
  • Renal failure

Phosphorous and calcium play critical roles in the body of your cat and interact with each other during metabolic processes, but also in what regards the nutrition functions. The optimal ratio is 1 part of phosphorous to 1.2 parts of calcium, so this ratio must also be maintained during the treatment. A diet based exclusively on meat cannot sustain this ratio, so supplementation is highly recommended both in the prevention and in the treatment of cat eclampsia.

