Epakatin for Cats

Epakitin, also known as Epakatin is a non prescription medication that is administered to felines that have kidney problems or kidney failure. Epakitin contains Chitosan, which is a natural phosphate binder that will prevent future kidney damage and improving the pet’s quality of life. The supplement can be administered in addition to a low phosphorus diet.

Epakitin for Felines

Epakitin is a supplement that is often administered to cats and dogs with renal failure or kidney disease. Epakitin contains Chitosan as a main ingredient. Chitosan is a phosphate binder. The supplement is derived from shrimp and crab shell extracts, making it a tasty supplement for felines. All the ingredients of Epakitin are natural, which makes the product ideal for felines and other pets that suffer from kidney diseases. In addition to Chitosan, Epakitin also contains:

  • Lactose
  • Hydrolyzed soy protein
  • Calcium carbonate

Epakitin can increase the lifespan of cats with kidney failure and can help in the recovery process of cats that have been diagnosed with kidney damage.

How Epakitin Works

Epakitin binds phosphorus. In felines with kidney issues, phosphorus is dangerous and can cause additional damage if absorbed in the intestinal tract. Cats with kidney problems may also absorb more phosphorus than healthy pets. Also, the assimilation of phosphorus can facilitate the occurrence of hyperparathyroidism, which is an abnormal function of the parathyroid gland. Chitosan can reduce the production of parathyroid hormones (PTH), when this is higher than normal.

Side Effects of Epakitin

Being a natural supplement, Epakitin doesn’t have serious side effects. Some pet owners have reported side effects such as:

  • Lack of appetite
  • Behavior changes
  • Lethargy
  • Hypercalcemia, or high calcium levels in the blood, but only if Epakitin is administered in higher doses than recommended

However, unlike many other supplements, Epakitin doesn’t contain aluminum, which poses risks for patients with kidney problems and may cause additional side effects.

How Is Epakitin Administered

Epakitin doesn’t require a prescription, but you should always consult a specialist prior to starting the administration of this type of supplement in your cat. 

Epakitin is available in the form of powder, which can be added to the cat’s food. Vets won’t recommend dissolving Epakitin in water and administering it in this manner. Your vet will recommend the dosage, per pound of body weight and you can administer the supplement twice per day. Typically, your cat can get 2 g of Epakitin for 10 pounds of body weight per day. Make sure you measure the dose correctly.

This supplement may be used in conjunction with other special low phosphorus diets for kidney issues or other treatments (e.g. Azodyl) prescribed by the vet to facilitate the cat’s recovery from a kidney disease. If the dog rejects a low phosphorus diet, the vet may increase the Epakitin dose. The cat should receive an increased amount of fluids, which will help the detoxification of the body and allow the kidneys to recover.

