Why a Fat Puppy May Have Worms

Worms are very common in puppies and can be passed from the mother to her litter, and a fat puppy could be a sign that your dog is infected.

Symptoms of Worms

There are a variety of worms that infect dogs, including tapeworm, roundworm, heartworm, ringworm and whipworm. Symptoms of a worm infection can include:

  • diarrhea
  • straining during a bowel movement
  • vomiting
  • abdominal pain
  • weight loss
  • lethargy
  • bloating

If your dog or puppy looks fat this could be from a swollen belly filled with worms. Many worms infect the intestinal tract and feed off blood or ingested nutrients, causing anemia and possibly death in puppies and adults.

Diagnosing Worms in a Fat Dog

Worms that are left untreated can cause serious problems and even death so it is important to get your puppy to a veterinarian. Over-the-counter dewormers are not effective because they may not work against the specific worms infecting your puppy. Bring a stool sample to your vet's office so a proper diagnosis can be made. Your vet will look for adult worms or eggs in the feces and prescribe a proper worm medicine like a dewormer. Some vet's will give a newborn puppy worm medicine as a precaution due to the high occurrence of worms in young dogs.

