Feline Anxiety Symptoms

Cat anxiety symptoms may vary according to the severity of the condition and the causes of anxiety. Feline anxiety can be common and may affect cats at any age. There are a few factors that can trigger anxiety in felines. These triggering factors should be isolated and eliminated, so that the cat stays healthy. Anxiety can cause reduced immunity and the cat can be more exposed to developing diseases. Identifying the early symptoms of anxiety can help get treatment.

Feline Anxiety Symptoms

Each cat will have display various symptoms, according to the personality of the cat, the cause of anxiety and the severity of the condition.

Some cats will only display lack of appetite and hiding behavior, while others will spray and become aggressive. Some common anxiety symptoms include:

  • The cat is vocal, may meow and hiss
  • He sprays in the house, even if trained not to (this may also signal the presence of an urinary tract infection)
  • Insomnia
  • Scratching the floor, various pieces of furniture or himself (even if trained not to)
  • Licking his own fur, causing hair loss
  • He refuses to be patted and may even become aggressive when touched
  • Weight loss
  • Dehydration
  • Poor skin and coat condition
  • Altered sleeping patterns, more activity during nighttime
  • Eating from litter box and other behavior problems

In extreme cases, when the cat doesn’t receive treatment, he may cause wounds, which can get infected. The cat may also disappear for several days and may seek a place where he feels safe (i.e. under a bed or in a closet).

Detecting Anxiety Triggers

Anxiety triggers may be difficult to pinpoint. However, it may help to know that there are a few common causes of anxiety such as:

  • Moving
  • A new baby or a new cat in the house
  • The loss of an owner or family member
  • Any changes in the cat’s schedule or even your schedule
  • A disease
  • Noises
  • A traumatic event such as an accident or a surgery

You should analyze the possible events that may have led to anxiety and see which are the most probable. This will help you when looking for treatment.

Treating Anxiety in Cats

The treatment for feline anxiety may be easy once the triggering factor is pinpointed and eliminated. However, in some cases, finding the cause of your cat’s anxiety cannot be detected. Also, you may not be able to remove a new pet or a new baby from your home.

Your cat’s condition can improve if you spend more time with him and try to make him comfortable again in the house. Make any required changes (i.e. move furniture) to make the atmosphere more familiar for the cat. If these solutions won’t help, your vet will recommend medication treatment.

A newer approach to treating feline anxiety employs pheromones, which are hormones that are secreted by cats especially when mating or even by recent mothers. These hormones can be artificially recreated and sprayed in the area where the cat spends most of his time. The hormone will calm the cat, as the hormones will remind the cat of his mother.

