Feline Asthma Prognosis

Feline asthma is a chronic disease that affects cats of all ages. The disease may be caused by a sum of factors that irritate the lower air passages of the pet. The prognosis for felines is variable and depends on the severity of the condition. However, if the disease is detected it can be controlled and the cat can live a normal life.

Symptoms of Asthma

Feline asthma will be manifested through different symptoms ranging from wheezing and coughing to breathing problems and lethargy. The air passages will be irritated and constricted. The symptoms may be similar to inhalant allergies. However, the coughing will be similar to the coughing when the cat tries to cough up a hair ball. The cat may also have mucous discharges from the nose and mouth and the gums will be blue. 

The cat may also have asthma attacks which can be fatal and need immediate attention; typically, a cat is diagnosed with asthma after an attack. An asthma attack causes the cat to gasp for air, sudden collapse with an open mouth or a bluish tongue. The cat cannot breathe and the lack of oxygen can be deadly or cause permanent damage.

The symptoms will be manifested when the cat is in constant contact with pollen, mold, different bacteria and fungi. The cat may also develop asthma symptoms if he inhales litter, smoke or chemicals.

Detection of Asthma

Asthma may be diagnosed judging by the displayed symptoms; also if the cat has had an asthma attack, the diagnosis will be easy to make.

Chest radiographs can confirm the diagnosis.

Feline Asthma Treatment

Cats that are affected by asthma may live a normal life; if the condition is severe, the vet will decide a constant administration of drugs. The vet will prescribe anti inflammatory drugs or injections, which prevent the closing of the air passages when the cat reacts negatively to the environmental factors.

The cat may also receive mucolytic medication, which will regulate the secretion of mucus.

The cat may also receive a hypoallergenic food.

You must also make sure that the cat is not exposed to the factors that may trigger asthma attacks.

Asthma Prognosis

Cats with asthma may lead a normal life; however, if your cat suffers from asthma, you must be extra cautious and be able to provide first aid help when the cat has an attack.

The condition may require a one time treatment and the cat will show no other signs of the disease, while other cats will have to get constant treatment to manage the symptoms. The vet will determine the right anti inflammatories your pet should get and if necessary, the cat may also get steroid based anti inflamamtories.

It is important to keep an eye on the cat and notice the triggering factors that cause the asthma attacks and reduce the cat’s exposure to these. Even if it is difficult to detect the exact irritant, you can monitor your cat and see what makes him cough

