Feline Supplement FAQ

If you are considering giving a feline supplement to your pet, you should learn a few basics about them. Feline supplements can be used in a number of instances, including health problems or diet supplementation.

1. What Are Supplements?

Feline supplements are synthetic or natural substances that can be administered to cats to offer protection and strength. The supplements may contain different vitamins, minerals or other compounds that can promote well being and keep the cat's skin and coat healthy. There are different types of supplements that contain unique ingredients, and these will be recommended according to the cat's medical condition and needs. There are also supplements that contain solely natural or herbal ingredients.

2. What Are Supplements For?

Feline supplements are beneficial for cats with different health issues:

  • Joint problems and arthritis, which require supplements such as cosequin that is efficient in strengthening the joints and bones
  • Allergies, providing immune system support (omega 3 or 9 fatty acids) and reduction of allergy symptoms
  • Digestion, for cats that experience chronic diarrhea or constipation (i.e., enzymes or probiotics)
  • Skin problems, such as excessive dryness and hair loss (omega 3 fatty acids)
  • Kidney disease, allowing the kidneys to recover
  • Autoimmune diseases, as some supplements may suppress the immune system

Some cats may also get supplements for additional nutrients that are not present in their diet. These cats may have a poor nutritional meal due to allergies to other types of food, so supplementation is required. Senior dogs may require a number of supplements, which can boost their immune system and help them live a longer, quality life.

3. Are Natural Supplements Effective?

Herbal supplements may be used in alternative medicine and they may work in a number of instances. If the cat's condition is not severe, he may get natural supplements. If the cat doesn't respond to any other medication or chemicals, he might also be given natural supplements. Natural supplements may be recommended to cats that have severe liver and/or kidney damage, as they are easier to absorb, not having any synthetic chemicals. The herbal supplements may be effective if administered for a few weeks, but they will not work right away. Not all cats respond to them, but the natural supplements don't have side effects, so they may be used with no risks.

4. How Are Supplements Administered?

Supplements may be available in liquid form, tablets or even treats. The dosage of the supplements should be established by the vet and you should strictly follow the vet's guidelines. The dosage will be established according to the cat's condition and body weight. The supplements may be administered several times per day, if indicated by the veterinarian.

5. Can Supplements Have Negative Effects?

Feline supplements may have negative effects if administered to kittens. The supplements may interfere with the growing process and result in bone deformities. Never use supplements that haven't been recommended by your vet.

