Gas and Constipation Relief for Dogs

Dogs suffer from gas and constipation problems in the same way that humans do. Typically, these problems come about for the same reasons that they will arise in humans as well; they are usually due to a change in diet or an imbalance of some kind in the food that your pet eats. As such, it's usually relatively straightforward to remedy these problems, although they can occasionally point to other, more serious underlying problems with your pet's health.

Dietary Changes

Typically, if your pet has gas or constipation problems, he is not getting a diet that is properly balanced for his needs. Even if the dog food that you provide him with is fully balanced, he may have special bodily needs or it may not react well with his system. Take a look at the dog food label and see how much fiber it provides him. A lack of fiber is one of the most common reasons why a dog will develop gas and constipation problems.

If you notice that your pet's food seems to be lower in fiber levels than other types of dog food, consider changing his food temporarily and gradually so that he'll be able to transition to a higher fiber diet. This often resolves the problem right away.

Added Water Intake

Another relatively simple potential cause of constipation is a lack of water. If your dog is dehydrated for much of the time, he will not be able to adequately process the food that he eats, and it will often result in constipation problems for him. Make sure that he always has access to clean, fresh water. If there is water around and he doesn't seem to be drinking very much of it, this could be a sign that there is something else going on and you should consult with a veterinarian for additional advice.

Increased Exercise

Upping the amount of exercise that your dog gets on a regular basis can help him to better process the food that he eats. This will often result in lower gas levels and also in more regular and easy bowel movements. Be sure to take your pet for a walk or allow him to run around and play for a brief period every day.

Other Issues

Occasionally, the presence of gas or constipation in your pet can be a sign of a serious condition. Look for other symptoms like the following:

If you notice any of these symptoms concurrently along with gas and constipation, you should take your dog to the vet as soon as possible in order to have him examined. Take a note of how long each of the symptoms has been present before you arrive at the vet's office, so that you'll best be able to answer questions.

For more information about gas and constipation relief in dogs, speak with your veterinarian for additional advice and answers.

