Glucosamine Hydrochloride for Dogs

Glucosamine hydrochloride is a supplement that is used for conditions such as hip dysplasia and arthritis in dogs. After using glucosamine, your pet should feel relief from the pain and discomfort associated with his condition.

When Should Your Dog Take Glucosamine Hydrochloride?

If your pet is suffering from a condition that slows him down or causes him pain and discomfort, he may benefit from taking glucosamine. Symptoms of common conditions that may benefit from glucosamine hydrochloride include:

  • Limping
  • Falling while walking
  • Loss of energy or lethargy
  • Difficulty walking, running or moving
  • Difficulty walking up stairs
  • Shows signs of pain when touched or handled
  • Difficulty laying down

Although dogs have a higher tolerance for pain than humans, these symptoms can still cause your pet annoyance and discomfort. It's important for your pet to get the proper treatment for his condition that is causing the symptoms. See a veterinarian if you notice any of these symptoms in your pet, and he may recommend glucosamine hydrochloride.

How It Works

Glucosamine aids in joint health and is a natural way to sooth pain and discomfort. Pet owners should notice a difference in their pet's health within two weeks of starting the glucosamine hydrochloride treatment. Your dog should show signs of more energy, less pain and more mobility than before.

Glucosamine hydrochloride is a natural substance found in the cartilage and joints of the body. It has natural anti-inflammatory properties and is completely safe for pets to take. It is especially helpful in relieving symptoms of osteoarthritic conditions in dogs.

Administration of Glucosamine Hydrochloride

The amount of glucosamine hydrochloride your pet should receive will depend on his condition, and how severe the symptoms are. Ask a veterinarian about dosages before giving your dog the supplements. Veterinarians will often recommend giving the dog double dosages during the first few weeks of treatment. This will not harm the dog and may be quite beneficial.

Glucosamine hydrochloride is available in either liquid or tablet form. The liquid form may be best if your pet does not like having tablets pushed into his mouth. Putting the tablet form into food may not be as effective as giving it to the dog directly. The liquid form of glucosamine can be either put on top of food and mixed, or put directly in the mouth of your pet. Another thing to keep in mind is that the liquid form will also be absorbed more quickly than the tablet form and will provide longer lasting relief. Even so, both forms of glucosamine hydrochloride are extremely effective in relieving symptoms of joint discomfort. The taste of glucosamine hydrochloride is generally pleasant to most pets, and some dogs even enjoy it.

