Herbal Dog Wormer Treatments

Dog wormer is given to dogs who have acquired one of the main types of worms: hookworm, roundworm, tapeworm and whipworm. These wormers kill the worms and larvae so the dogs can cleanse them from his system. Chemical dewormers are available through your veterinarian, but many owners prefer herbal treatment.


There are many types of herbal wormer mixtures available, and almost all of them contain wormwood, which is known to be an effective repellent of worms. Wormwood is a digestive tonic, which is known for clearing out the digestive system and blood stream and utilized in both Eastern and Western medicine.

Proponents of wormwood suggest using it not only to clean worm infestations from your dog's body but also to prevent them by giving either small doses weekly or large doses every 6 to 8 months. However, wormwood should be used with caution. It can cause problems with kidneys and liver if overused and should not be given to pregnant or lactating females.

Additional Repellent Herbs

Many herbal tonics combine wormwood with other herbs that ensure any type of worm will be repelled and try to exit your dog's body. Neem is a commonly used herb, a tree that gained recognition for its worm repellent properties by being widely used for furniture. Many studies have been done on its effectiveness in repelling mosquitoes as well.

Another herb well known for its mosquito-repellent properties is cloves. Cloves contain strong detoxifying agents, which also serve to repel worms and other pests.

Barberry root bark is an alkaloid, which allows it to effectively kill worms that have already established in your dog's body. It is a deep cleansing agent that can also help flush the system during the process.

Known to be particularly effective against roundworm, rhubarb root has anti-parasitic properties that repel worms. It also prevents constipation, allowing the successful passage of the worms.

Additional Digestive Herbs

Because worms are usually attached to your dog's digestive tract, many deworming products also focus on cleansing the digestive tract to move worms quickly from your dog's system. One popular herb for this method is slippery elm, which uses mucous properties to coat and soothe the digestive tract, allowing easy passage through the body.

Herb of Grace has been used for centuries in Eastern medicine as a digestive cleanser. It promotes digestive health by causing a systematic cleansing that removes any unwanted items.

Cascara sagrada is another cleanser, which serves as a laxative, allowing the body to cleanse. However, as with any powerful laxative, it runs the risk of dehydrating your dog, so be sure to provide him with plenty of water during the deworming process.

Additional ingredients may include fennel seed or ginger, which both serve to aid digestive function. Fennel seed relieves cramping and releases gas while ginger aids colon function and reduces nausea, all of which may be symptoms of dewormers.

Many herbal tonics are available to deworm your dog, and many can also be used as preventatives. You also may decide to choose your own ingredients. However, some herbs can be harmful if given in high doses or with certain medications, so consult an herbal veterinarian before use.

