How Much Does a Canine Echocardiogram Cost?

The echocardiogram cost is determined by a number of factors, including your location and the clinic where the test is being performed. The echocardiogram is a test that will assess the condition of the pet’s heart and may detect conditions such as heart murmur. If you need to get this ultrasound test, you will want to find out about the financial details of the test as well.

When Is an Echocardiogram Needed?

An echocardiogram is an ultrasound of the heart. An echocardiogram test is needed when the pet displays symptoms that may point to a heart condition (i.e. heart murmur). The ultrasound will be performed at the level of the chest and will establish if there is any defect in the structure or function of the dog’s heart valves and chambers. The procedure employs sound waves that will allow the vet to see a clear image of the heart on a computer screen. The entire procedure will take between 15 and 35 minutes and the vet will have a diagnosis immediately after performing the test.

The test is not used to find lung abnormalities, as it will only focus on the heart.

Average Costs of an Echocardiogram

The average costs of an echocardiogram are between $250 and $350, but you may expect to pay even more in certain geographical areas. You should also know that this is the cost of the actual procedure and doesn’t cover the veterinarian examination. The vet examination may cost an additional $25 to $100, depending on the clinic and the vet.

The procedure is not painful and will not require any medication prior or after the test.

Factors that Influence the Echocardiogram Cost

The costs of the echocardiogram test will be influenced by several factors including:

  • Your geographical location – if you live in certain metropolitan areas such as New York, the cost may be higher. On the other hand, if you live in an area where a pet ultrasound devices are not available on site in all vet clinics, you may also end up paying more
  • The fees of the vet
  • The types of device used – if the devices are more up to date, the cost can be slightly higher
  • Whether anesthesia is needed – in most cases, anesthesia is not needed, but if the dog is not cooperative and is too agitated to sit through the test, the vet will choose to use a sedative or anesthetic, to be able to perform the ultrasounds

If the test is required on an emergency basis, the costs may also be slightly higher.

You may also go to an animal shelter and ask for the cost of an echocardiogram. The costs may be lower or they may even perform the test for free, depending on whether they have an ultrasound device on site and whether they are able to perform the test when you need it.

