Leaking Bladder in Dogs

Leaking bladder is a common problem in many dogs, particularly older female dogs. It can be a mild inconvenience to you and to your pet,or it can be the cause of major sanitary and health problems for all involved. In either case, it's important to recognize that there are certain things that can be done in order to help relieve your pet of his or her bladder problems. For a complete overview of leaking bladder in dogs, read on.

Causes of Leaking Bladder

Leaking bladder is common in older dogs that have lost some control over their bowels and bladder. It's not unusual for these dogs to have a difficult time controlling their urination. Other potential causes of leaking bladder include spaying in females, which is why the condition is somewhat more common among female dogs than among male ones. Certain serious medical conditions can also lead to leaking bladder. These include cysts and tumors on the bladder and the urinary tract, damage to the bladder as caused by other conditions and diseases, and more. For this reason, it's important to address a leaking bladder whenever you notice that it's a problem.

Symptoms of Leaking Bladder

There are many different symptoms that you'll notice if your pet has a leaking bladder. Some of these include the following:

  • Frequent urination
  • Uncontrolled urination
  • Spots and messes around the house
  • Pacing and whining at the door to the outside

Some dogs experience discomfort along with their leaking bladders, while others will not seem to. This depends upon the cause of the problem and whether there are any secondary or underlying conditions as well.

Diagnosing and Treating Leaking Bladder

If you notice any of the symptoms listed above, it's a good idea to take your dog to the veterinarian so that he can examine him. The vet will take note of all of the different symptoms that you mention and will conduct a physical examination on your dog. This will help to determine if the leaking bladder issue is a result of a tumor or growth of if it may be caused by something else.

A urine sample and analysis may also help to determine if there's something the matter with your dog's urinary tract. In some cases, your vet will need to do a scan or an x-ray to view the bladder and the urinary tract as well.

Once the cause of your dog's incontinence is determined, you and your vet can talk about ways to help to control your pet's leaking bladder. Some possible treatments include drug regimens that help to provide the muscles around the bladder with additional support, or changes in lifestyle to allow your pet better access to the outside in order to urinate. The exact treatment depends upon the condition.

For more information about leaking bladder in dogs and how to identify, treat and resolve this issue, speak with your veterinarian with any additional questions that you may have.

