Lethargic Dog Drooling

A dog drooling that is also lethargic may be poisoned. However, the dog may also be affected by a liver condition or a dilatation of the stomach. In each case, the dog requires immediate attention and emergency treatment.

Causes of Lethargic Dog Drooling

A dog that is drooling in excess may be too warm, but there are also other factors that can cause drooling and make the dog lethargic:

  • Poisoning, which can be the consequence of something the dog ate or ingested (chocolate, alcohol, rat poison, drugs, antifreeze or certain toxic plants)
  • Liver failure occurs when more than 80 percent of the liver doesn't function and the toxins in the blood are no longer efficiently assimilated, so they are constantly present in the blood
  • Hepatic encephalopathy is a problem with the liver that is caused by increased amounts of toxins and ammonia, which affect the brain and make it inflamed
  • Kidney failure, when the toxins are not properly eliminated from the body
  • Dilatation of the stomach happens when the stomach is bloated and twisted, and the food cannot be digested or eliminated (not even through vomiting)

Additional Symptoms

To determine what causes drooling and lethargy in your pet, you should watch out for additional symptoms, which may include:

  • Vomiting, which may be yellow liquid, blood or gastric juice and can point to liver damage or poisoning
  • Diarrhea, may contain blood or can be tarry
  • Lack of coordination, indicative of hepatic encephalopathy
  • Sudden collapse
  • Confusion
  • Circling
  • Severe swelling of the abdomen
  • Flatulence
  • Coma, may be caused by liver failure or poisoning, in advanced cases

These symptoms can help in detecting the problem and applying treatment in a timely manner.

Treatment Options

All of the above mentioned causes of lethargy and dog drooling can be life threatening, so an early detection and treatment is imperative to save the dog's life. The treatment will vary, according to the health condition of the dog.

If the dog is poisoned, you will have to induce vomiting by administering 1 tbsp of hydrogen peroxide in a glass of water and waiting for 10 minutes for the dog to vomit. If vomiting doesn't occur, repeat the treatment. Don't provoke vomiting if you know your pet has ingested bleach or antifreeze, as you may worsen his condition. Take the dog to the vet and the vet will administer activated charcoal, which should absorb the toxins in the stomach.

Liver failure can only be managed at a vet clinic with liquid therapy, but the vet may not be able to save the dog. Kidney damage also requires liquid therapy.

The dilatation of the stomach needs immediate surgical intervention, as the vet needs to remove the contents of the stomach and place the stomach in a normal position.

Hepatic encephalopathy can be a serious condition and may be fatal. The vet needs to remove the toxins from the blood and control the dog's symptoms.

