Liposarcoma Symptoms in Dogs

Liposarcoma is an uncommon type of tumorous cancer that develops in primarily older dogs. This type of cancer is quite a bit less commonly seen than many other forms. Nonetheless, it's a good idea to know what the various symptoms and warning signs of liposarcoma are, so that you'll better be able to recognize this condition if it should arise. As with other types of cancers in pets, the more quickly that you're able to analyze and diagnose the symptoms of that cancer, the more quickly that you can begin treating your pet and the more likely it is that your dog will make a complete recovery. Read on for a brief list of the symptoms associated with liposarcoma in dogs.

Tangible Growths

The single best way to diagnose and detect whether your pet has a liposarcoma is by palpating his skin. For most older dogs, a veterinarian will recommend regularly sitting down with your pet and feeling along his skin for signs of growths or bumps. In the case of liposarcomas, these bumps will be subcutaneous, slightly below the skin, and quite hard in texture. You may not be able to distinguish a border to the bump, and it's likely to be on the smaller side of a dime. Feel your pet periodically in order to determine whether he is experiencing any of these symptoms of liposarcoma. It's best to schedule a time once per month or so to give your pet a brief examination.

Lack of Appetite

Pets with developed liposarcomas often appear to lose their sense of appetite. If you notice that your pet gradually begins to eat less, that he is reluctant to come and get his food, or that he leaves some food at the end of his meal uneaten, you should generally be alert to the fact that there may be something the matter with his overall health. One of the many various things that could cause this condition is a liposarcoma.

Change in Gait or Movement

Dogs with liposarcoma growths often find it uncomfortable to walk or move in the normal ways that they're used to. You may see your pet adopt a different gait or way of walking, or you may notice that he has a hard time standing up, lying down, or moving up or down stairs. All of these point to the presence of an unusual growth or some other condition that is disrupting his normal range of motion.

Difficulty Eating

Dogs may have a difficult time chewing or swallowing if they have certain types of liposarcomas. Take note as to whether your pet seems to have a hard time or a painful time chewing his food.

Liposarcomas are often fully treatable and will not be fatal if caught soon enough. Take it upon yourself to get your dog the treatment he needs if you notice any of these symptoms, as it could drastically prolong his life.

