Male Incontinence in Dogs

Male incontinence in dogs is more common in senior or neutered canines. Your dog may release urine without being able to control his bladder and this can be a problem, as he will leave urine behind and the smell of the urine will be felt in the entire home. Urinary incontinence can be controlled, but the cause must be established first.

Causes of Male Incontinence

Dogs deposit the urine in the bladder, where this will be held until the bladder is full and the dog will release it through the urethra. The dog is able to control the release of urine due to muscles that are at the base of the urinary bladder. However, these muscles may weaken and the dog may urinate in inappropriate places.

The muscles that control the release of the urine are influenced by the presence of the male hormones, which are known as testosterone. A normal amount of testosterone will prevent incontinence, while a low amount or no testosterone will cause urinary incontinence.

The absence of testosterone may be caused by the neutering procedure.

Other possible causes of male incontinence include:

  • Damage or injuries to the urethra or bladder muscles
  • Prostate disease or prostate cancer
  • Bladder tumors
  • Aging, which will result in reduced production of testosterone, even if the dog is not neutered

Your dog may release a few drops of urine during sleep or when licking his genitals, but the amount of urine is negligible compared to incontinence due to other causes.

Symptoms of Incontinence

In addition to the obvious urine in unusual places and the persistent urine smell, your dog may display other symptoms as well.

Due to the fact that the dog cannot control his bladder muscles, he will be more likely to develop urinary infections.

The dog may also have rashes in the genital area, which are due to urine drops that damage the skin.

Typical Age for Incontinence in Male Dogs

Male dogs may be affected by urinary incontinence after they are neutered; if the dog is not neutered, the incontinence may occur only after the age of 9 and rarely before this age. If your dog is affected by incontinence before the age of 9, he may have a tumor that needs to be detected.

Male Incontinence Treatment

The vet must establish if the urinary incontinence is due to the lack of sufficient testosterone hormones. If so, the treatment is simple; the dog can be treated with a non hormonal medication known as PPA or Phenylpropanolamine. Typically, dogs respond well to medication; however, if your pet's incontinence persists, you may opt for diapers which can be purchased in pet stores.

If the incontinence is caused by tumors of polyps, these should be examined and removed or treated with chemotherapy.

Prostate diseases should be managed with suitable medication.

If secondary bacterial infections are present, these should be treated with antibiotics.

Rashes can be eliminated with ointments.

