Mouth Warts on Dogs

Warts on dogs may be present on any area of your pet's body; however, they are more common in the mouth or nose or around the eyes. Most warts are benign and will go away without treatment, but in rare cases they may point to a serious health condition or develop into malignant tumors.

Dog Warts

The warts are bumps that appear on the surface of the skin or inside the mouth or nose. The warts typically have the appearance and structure of cauliflower and have a rough surface.

Even though warts are benign most of the time, the ones that are present in a dog's mouth may be dangerous, because they can interfere with swallowing and the dog may not eat properly.

Causes of Warts

Warts on dogs can be caused by the papilloma virus. These warts are highly contagious, but they will heal without treatment. The papilloma virus can be transmitted to other dogs that have a weaker immune system through direct contact. The canine papilloma virus cannot be transmitted to humans. The virus will only manifest two months after it is contracted, as it has a period of incubation that takes approximately four to eight weeks. Papilloma is the most common virus causing warts. However, mouth warts can also be caused by tumors, allergic reactions or skin problems.

Mouth Warts Symptoms

The warts can be detected when looking in your pet's mouth. You will see that the warts have an uneven surface and a cauliflower-like appearance. The dog may also display a few symptoms that will indicate the presence of warts:

  • Refusal to eat, due to the fact that the position of the warts may prevent swallowing or cause pain when swallowing
  • Excessive drooling
  • Swelling
  • Halitosis or bad breath
  • Secondary bacterial infections

Diagnosing Warts

The vet will perform a few tests to establish the nature of the bumps. The bumps may be tumors that have a wart-like appearance. The vet will also establish the cause of the warts. He may require a sample of the warts to analyze the tissues in more detail. A biopsy may be performed to make sure the bumps are benign.

Mouth Warts Treatment

The treatment of mouth warts on dogs may be different, depending on the cause of the bumps. If the warts are caused by the papilloma virus, they require no treatment. The vet may recommend the surgical removal of warts if they cause swallowing issues and pain.

If the warts are caused by a tumor or a skin condition, the vet needs to remove the warts or apply medication treatment.

If the warts occur due to an allergic reaction, a topical treatment will typically eliminate them.

If warts are common in your pet and they are caused by the papilloma virus, you should administer some immunity boosters to your pet to prevent the occurrence of future warts.

