Natural Remedies for Dogs with Worms

Natural remedies for dogs can be a safe and effective alternative when treating most illnesses, conditions and diseases. There are many different types of worms that can affect dogs, including tapeworms, heartworms, roundworms and whipworms. Worms can often be cleared up using natural remedies, and may even be prevented from causing more severe complications. There are numerous herbs, vitamins and minerals that have been shown to possess certain qualities to fight different ailments within the body. Select the appropriate one, based upon the particular symptoms your dog is experiencing.

Important Considerations

Before selecting natural remedies for dogs with worms, it's important to consider the condition of your dog. If more serious infections are suspected, such as heartworms, emergency medical care may be necessary. Herbs and minerals take time to regulate the body and swing it back to full health. If severe symptoms are present, such as excessive vomiting, breathing problems, lethargy, anemia or dehydration, more traditional forms of treatment may be recommended. Have your dog examined and if the situation warrants, discuss more natural treatment options with a professional. If herbal remedies are your preferred method of treatment, gather full research before selecting a remedy. Some herbs are toxic if given full-strength, and others may not be suitable for consumption by canines.

Natural Remedies with Herbs

There are several herbs that work as natural remedies for dogs with worms. Different herbs posses certain qualities that may be antibiotic in nature or work naturally to break down foreign bodies, such as parasites, within the dog's system. Some herbal remedies contain a combination of these herbs, and can therefore be used to treat a number of different intestinal parasites or other worm infections. Following is an explanation of some of the most effective herbs for this problem:

  • Wormseed - Anti-parasite herb that helps to expel roundworms, hookworms and tapeworms
  • Wormwood - May be used to prevent worms and eliminate heartworm larva in the developmental stages
  • Black walnut - Used for parasites and fungal infections, such as ringworm
  • Male fern root - Can help to treat parasites of the blood
  • Ginger root - Possesses anti-inflammatory properties
  • Parsley root - Contains ingredients that can help to expel infection from the system and may prevent infection by repelling parasites and other insects
  • Papaya leaf - Works to aid digestion of parasites within the intestinal tract
  • Cloves - Contain anti-parasitic, antiseptic and anti-bacterial properties


Like other herbal and natural remedies for dogs, homeopathy takes advantage of similar principles by using specific combinations of minerals, herbs and other natural substances known to help aid the body in healing. All of the dog's symptoms will be examined and assessed to help a professional determine which homeopathic remedy is most appropriate for your particular dog. One example of a homeopathic remedy that has been used to treat worms is podophyllum peltatum, but you'll want to research other possibilities in case of a more suitable fit for your dog's symptoms. Homeopathic remedies are generally safe from side effects, so some trial and error to find the perfect remedy may be necessary.

