New Developments in Canine Cancer Treatment

For a long time, canine cancer treatment has always relied on traditional therapies. Skin cancer in dogs comprise 58% of the total cancers that affect the canines. The most common skin cancer that affects canine is mastocytoma (or mast cell tumors). Skin cancer mostly occurs in breeds such as Boxers, Boston Terriers and Labrador Retrievers, and is predominant in middle-aged or older dogs. Success of canine cancer treatment depends on the early detection of cancer.

Symptoms of Skin Cancer

The cause of skin cancer is attributed to allergic reactions that produce cancerous cells. Skin cancer in dogs can affect any region on the skin, but mostly the posterior part of the body is prone to it. The most common symptom of skin cancer is the development of visible tumor masses on the skin. These malignant tumors also show physiological and neurological symptoms that are related to the site of the tumor. Two forms of mastocytomas are common in canines. The predominant form of mastocytoma is an ulcer mass that grows into a single or multi-nodular tumor. The less common form of mastocytoma grows slowly without any ulcer formation.

Traditional Therapies

Traditional treatments for cancer involve surgery, radiation therapy, photodynamic therapy, hyperthermia and chemotherapy. Surgery involves the excision of the tumor and removal of regional lymph nodes and tissues that are affected. The affected sites are further treated with either radiation or chemotherapy to control the recurrence of tumor. Inoperable tumors are usually treated with radiation or chemotherapy. Corticosteroids are also used to treat inoperable tumors.

Use of Herbs

Nowadays, herbs and herbal formulations have been introduced in the treatment of oral cancer in dogs. Although there is no conclusive evidence regarding the efficacy of these formulations, no known side effects have been reported for such products thus far. The herbs and formulations are usually combined with the regular treatment methods. Moreover, these herbs act as powerful antioxidants that help in improving the functioning of the immune system.

Importance of Diet

Recently, emphasis has been laid on the diet of dogs, which is one of factors for the high incidence of canine cancer. Processed foods were found to have a profound impact on the health of the canine. It is important to feed the canine fed with raw meat, which is best suited for the dog's overall health.

New Drug

The introduction of the drug Palladia has marked a major milestone in the field of oral cancer treatment in dogs. This drug is approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and is presently available only through veterinary specialists. Palladia contains a salt called toceranib phosphate, which is capable of curing the dog from mast cell tumors. Palladia may also be combined with other regular therapies. The drug is developed and marketed by Pfizer Animal Health.

