New Cat Advice

Whether you're a first time cat owner or an experienced veteran, you can likely benefit from some new cat advice if you're planning to purchase or adopt a pet into your home.

The exact method that you'll find is best to use to welcome your pet into your house will be dependent upon a number of factors, including the age of the cat, the layout and location of your home, whether you have other pets and more. In order to ensure that your cat is healthy and happy and that the transition to life in your home is as easy as possible, read on for a brief overview of some new cat advice.

Prepare in Advance

One of the most important things to do is to prepare your home in advance of when you adopt your new pet. Make sure that you have food set up, water, proper litter boxes, and, if you have other pets, that your new cat will have a safe place to go where he will not have the risk of being disturbed by the other animals in the house. All of these are necessary for your cat to feel as comfortable as possible.

Give it Time

Some cats walk into a house and feel comfortable within a short period of time. However, it's more likely that your new cat might be somewhat scared when you bring him home for the first time. This is a natural reaction, but it's important to reassure your cat and help to let him know that he's safe. As such, keep other pets away from him and do not force him into situations or places where he may not be comfortable.


One of the crucial measures to take to help protect a new cat's health is to ensure that you have him vaccinated properly. This shouldn't be done with newborn kittens, but rather with cats that are between a few weeks and a few months old. Your veterinarian will be able to give you a good idea of the types of vaccinations that your pet will need and when it's a good idea to give them to him. Making sure that your cat is properly vaccinated will help to protect him against a variety of different diseases.

Learn About Your Cat

Take the time to play with, pet and learn about your cat. Not only is this essential for helping to socialize him and for getting him to feel comfortable in your home, but it's also a great way for you to learn about his overall health, personality and behavior. Like people, cats vary dramatically in terms of their behavior. It's a good idea to see what your pet is like when he's healthy so that you'll be better able to identify when he's sick. This will help you to know when he needs to be taken to the vet for a checkup.

