Omeprazole Side Effects in Dogs

Omeprazole side effects are numerous, particularly when the drug is not administered in the right manner. Since the medication is not formulated for use in pets you have to follow your vet’s instructions if this formula has been prescribed to your dog. Omeprazole is sold as an extra label drug as it’s known to effectively treat dogs suffering from heartburn and ulcers.

Omeprazole for Dogs

Omeprazole belongs to the class of drugs known as proton pump inhibitors. It prevents hydrogen ions from moving about in the stomach and stops the secretion of acids in the gastrointestinal tract. This in turn reduces acidity in the stomach and heals ulcers. Dogs suffering from stomach ulcers caused by the ingestion of certain drugs also benefit from omeprazole. Besides this, the drug keeps acid reflux in check. It not only reduces acidity in the stomach but also prevents stomach acid from rising up to the esophagus.

Dosage and Administration

This medication should be given to sick pets once a day. The general dosage for dogs is 0.25 to 0.5 mg per pound of body weight. The medication will be prescribed as a course that should be completed. Your dog will start showing signs of recovery a few days after the medication has been administered. However, you must make sure that you don’t stop giving him the drug unless otherwise directed by the vet.

Side Effects of Omeprazole

  • The medication has been known to causes nervous system changes in some pets. Few pet owners also claim that their dogs have suffered from urinary tract infections after taking the medication.
  • Some of the most common side effects of this drug are vomiting, watery stools and flatulence.
  • If you give this medication in conjunction with certain over the counter or prescription drugs, your pet will suffer from adverse reactions due to drug interactions. 
  • Some dogs develop sensitivity to the drug and suffer from hives, swelling of the lips and face, and skin reactions.

Precautions When Using Omeprazole

Although omeprazole tablets aren’t formulated for veterinary use, a medication called UlcerGard that contains omeprazole is available for use in horses. Since it’s not formulated for dogs you should avoid giving your pet omeprazole in this form.

Omeprazole tablets are available in two potencies namely 10 mg and 20 mg. Make sure you only purchase and use the package that’s been prescribed for your dog. Read and follow the instructions that are listed on the package you buy so that you don’t overdose your dog or wrongly administer the medication.

Tips for Pet Owners

As a pet owner you need find ways to prevent your pet from developing stomach ulcers and acid reflux. Avoid giving your dog any table leftovers or foods that are rich in fats. The vet may ask you to change your dog’s diet so that the gastrointestinal tract has time to subside. Bland foods are best for dogs suffering from stomach ulcers and related gastrointestinal problems.

Since your pet may be in discomfort due to the ulcers, make sure you keep him in a comfortable environment to help him recuperate at the earliest.

