Over-the-Counter vs. Prescription Dog Fleas Treatment Products

Although there are several dog fleas treatment products available, you should weigh the pros and cons of using over the counter flea products and prescription products before administering them to your pet. Since fleas are carriers of several diseases, it's important to get rid of flea infections at the earliest so that your pet enjoys good health throughout his life.

Flea Infections

All dogs are susceptible to flea infections. Fleas very easily latch on to your pet's body when he roams outdoors. Once he picks up a few fleas, the flea population can multiply rapidly and lead to a full blown flea infestation. Since fleas also bite humans and cause excessive itchiness, it's important to take active measures to prevent your dog from coming in contact with any parasites.

Flea Medications

Most flea medicines that are commercially available consist of insecticides and insect growth regulators. These medications may not agree with all pets and have to be used in accordance with the vet's instructions. Since each pet is unique, you should discuss the benefits of using any given commercial flea product on your dog with the vet before even purchasing it. Even if you choose to use over the counter flea remedies on your pet you need to find out which medication is safe for use on your dog.

Over the Counter Flea Medications Include:

  • Frontline Plus
  • Sentinel
  • Program Oral Suspension 
  • Advantage

Prescription Flea Medications Include:

  • Advantage Multi
  • Comfortis
  • Sentinel 
  • Revolution

Over the Counter vs. Prescription Flea Medications

As a pet owner it's best to find out the type of parasite infection your pet is suffering from before administering any drugs or topical solutions. While over the counter products work effectively, they should be used with caution because overdose can be dangerous and some products may not agree with the pet's skin.

Prescription drugs on the other hand address the pet's unique needs. The vet will prescribe these medications only after carefully evaluating the type and severity of infection present. Prescription drugs also work effectively to treat specific concerns. Since some over the counter products contain ingredients that treat two or more conditions like heartworm infections and ear mites, your pet may not benefit from the use of combination drugs and may require prescription medications.


Regardless of the medication you're administering to your pet, you need to carefully read and follow package instructions to avoid overdose. Some dogs are hypersensitive to some of the active ingredients present in certain tablets and topical solutions. You should inform the vet of any known sensitivities so that the right medication is administered.

Since all flea medications contain harsh active ingredients, it's best not to solely rely on medicines to treat flea infections. Use a multi-pronged approach to prevent flea infections from recurring and conduct routine vet checks to assess the dog's overall health. You may also have to treat other pets living in the same house, even if only one of them has an active flea infection.

