The 7 Most Common Puppy Illness Symptoms

A puppy illness may go undetected if a pet owner does know what symptoms are causes for concern. There are seven common symptoms a puppy will present with when he is ill.

1. Vomiting

Sometimes puppies vomit because they ate too much or too fast. Vomiting can also be a sign of a parasite infection or distemper. If the puppy is allergic to a certain type of food or has ingested an item that is poisonous, vomiting may follow.

2. Abdominal Pain

A stomach ache in a puppy can be associated with enteritis, a virus or constipation.

Enteritis is when the intestines of a canine become inflamed, causing abdominal pain and other gastrointestinal symptoms.

Constipation can make it difficult for a puppy to have a bowel movement and could produce bloody stools, causing the little abdomen to feel a great deal of distress and pain.

3. Diarrhea

Diarrhea in puppies can indicate an allergic reaction or poisoning. Roundworms, a type of internal parasite, can also cause a puppy to have loose stools. The parvovirus, which can be very dangerous to puppies, and enteritis can also cause diarrhea.

4. Inflammation

Inflammation in puppies is a classic sign of mange. Mange, also called "scabies", is a condition that is caused by mites. The parasites will cause the skin of a puppy to become inflamed and thick, hair loss usually follows, and a puppy can become extremely itchy.

Inflammation of the skin is sometimes accompanied by an odor that may be found offensive. This tends to happen when lesions on a puppy's skin begins to ooze or form a crust.

5. Fever

A fever will develop in a puppy when he is fighting an infection, inflammation or a problem of the immune system. If a puppy develops a fever, his behavior may change and one may find the puppy lacks the usual, bouncy energy.

6. Runny Nose

A puppy's runny nose can be caused by allergies, distemper, kennel cough or even an upper respiratory infection.

If the mucus dripping from the puppy's nose is clear, watchful waiting is advised to see if the condition gets better or if other symptoms develop. When the mucus is yellow or green in color, this may be a sign of an infection that will require veterinary treatment.

7. Shedding

Excessive hair loss on a puppy can cause of concern to any pet owner as almost any disease of or irritant to a dog's skin can cause shedding.

A puppy that is shedding a lot or has a patchy coat could have parasites, allergies or a fungal infection. Autoimmune and endocrine disorders can also cause hair loss on a puppy.

