Recurring Dog Skin Rash on Inside of Legs

There are many causes of dog skin rash that range from mild to severe. While it may not be a life-threatening condition, it should be checked in time so that it doesn't progress and cause a lot of discomfort.

Sometimes owners find their pets chewing certain areas of the leg and this gives rise to hair loss, redness, inflammation and bacterial infections. The dog starts chewing these areas simply because they cause a lot of itching. In order to determine what's causing the condition, you have to carefully make note of the symptoms and conduct a vet check to rule out major illnesses.

Causes of Dog Skin Rash

Although dogs aren't as sensitive as cats, they may develop a skin rash if they're suffering from a flea infection. Most pets are allergic to flea saliva. This causes a lot of itching along with redness, and the pet will frequently scratch or chew affected areas. Another reason why the pet develops skin rash is due to allergies present in the environment. If the dog is hypersensitive to certain substances like household detergents, chemicals and deodorizers, he may develop skin rash along with hives.

Dogs can develop a skin rash on the inside of the legs if they're suffering from skin fold dermatitis. This condition occurs when the pet develops a bacterial infection that affects his skin. Alternatively, the pet could also be suffering from eczema or certain autoimmune disorders that trigger skin infections.

Diagnosis of Dog Skin Rash

In order to find out the real cause of the rash, avoid administering any over the counter drugs to your pet, and take the dog for a vet check. Inform the vet about any accompanying symptoms that the pet exhibits.

After carefully examining the pet's body the vet will perform a skin scraping test and run routine blood and urine tests. If there is any discharge present, the vet will take a sample of the fluid that's present and send it for laboratory analysis. These tests will help the vet rule out underlying health concerns and detect the presence of bacteria or parasites.

Treatment of Dog Skin Rash

If the pet is suffering from a bacterial infection, the vet may prescribe a course of antibiotics to speed up recovery and kill the bacterial agents. Topical antibiotics may also be recommended for this purpose. The vet will ask you to thoroughly clean the affected area with a soft cloth and warm water in order to keep it free from any contamination.

You should make sure that the pet doesn't lick off the topical medication that's applied. An Elizabethan collar is ideal for use. If the pet has an active flea infection, the vet will recommend certain flea remedies to keep the infection under control. You will also have to treat the house and the outdoor areas to completely eliminate fleas and their eggs.

Commercially Available Skin Medications Include:

  • Atopica
  • Animax
  • Cyclosporine
  • Diphenhydramine

It's important to diagnose and treat the rash in time so that it doesn't spread to other areas of the body. Also make sure you follow routine grooming procedures to keep your pet's skin and coat healthy.

