Senokot for Dogs

Senokot for dogs is a laxative that contains purified senna. It is also known as Senna glycoside or sennoside and is a derivative of anthraquinone. This dimeric glycoside occurs abundantly in Senna plants and is named after them.

Senokot for Dogs

The name Senokot is derived from Sennas, a large genus of flowering plants that are native to the tropics. Sennas are generally shrubs but can also be small trees or herbs. Senna Alexandria is used in modern medicine as a laxative. It alleviates constipation by acting on the large intestine or colon. It irritates the mucosa in the colon to increase the peristaltic movements or contractions of the colon.

Senokot also acts as a stool softener by increasing the secretion of fluid by the colon. Infusion of senna leaves can be prepared by boiling 100 grams of the leaves in a liter of water. The drug Senokot is a nonprescription drug approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration as a laxative for the treatment of constipated dogs.

Benefits of Senokot for Dogs

The benefits of senokot include:

  • It is used to treat dogs with constipation
  • It is used to treat dogs with irritable bowel syndrome 
  • It is also used to treat dogs with hemorrhoids

Side Effects of Senokot for Dogs

Senna is a stimulant laxative. Such laxatives can decrease potassium levels of the body and can also cause electrolyte imbalance. The drug can also cause abdominal cramps, abdominal bloating, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. A harmless side effect of Senokot on your pet is that his urine will become reddish or yellow brown in color.

More severe side effects include blood in the stools, bleeding from the rectum, dizziness, increased pulse rate and weakness. An allergic reaction to Senokot can result in swelling on the face and throat areas, difficulty in breathing, rash and itching.

Precautions You Should Take

Ensure that your pet has a lot of fresh drinking water and a diet rich in fiber when using Senokot as a laxative in order to prevent dehydration. This medication is not for long term use and should not be administered for more than 1 week. Frequent and long term use of Senokot can lead to liver damage and dependency on the drug.

Pregnant or nursing dogs should not be given this medication. This medication should also not be administered to dogs with intestinal blockage, prolapsed anus, ulcers, colitis and heart disease.

Contraindications You Must Be Aware Of

Senokot should not be given in conjunction with medications such as diuretics as there is a risk that potassium levels in your pet’s body could drop dangerously. Senokot also increases the side effect causing potentiality of drugs such as lanoxin. Senokot can cause the potassium levels of the body to drop too low if it’s administered in conjunction with supplements and herbs such as licorice, horsetail, aloe, rhubarb, black root and manna.

You should administer Senokot to your constipated pet only as prescribed by the veterinarian to ensure that he doesn’t suffer from electrolyte imbalance, doesn’t develop a dependency on the drug and doesn’t suffer liver damage as a result of prolonged use of the medication.

